Ugh. He was such a fake.

Nevertheless, I stood up from my chair and smoothed out my dress.  I forced a smile on my face and did my best to regally walk towards Ford.  He offered his hand to me as I walked down the steps and I accepted it.  A hopeful look danced in his eyes.


"Would you like to dance?" he asked.

Not with you.

"I would be honored to," I gritted out and forced a smile on my face as he led me away.

Counting all the possibly weapons I had on my body, I was led out to the dance floor just as a slow song began from the band.

Just my luck.

The center of the ballroom cleared, forming a circle around the two of us as we began to sway back and forth.

Could earrings cause a deathly wound?  Or would the crown work better?

My parents soon joined us on the floor and Kellan joined in with the girl he was talking to earlier.

I finally looked up at Ford's face to see him looking back at mine with a look of annoyance.  He raised his eyebrows.  I looked away.

I focused on everything other than Ford.  Kellan met my eyes from over the shoulder of his partner and smiled.  He knew I hated Ford.  I gave him  a look which shut him up pretty fast.

A pinch on my shoulder made me look back at Ford.  He was looking down at me with those stupid puppy dog eyes.

"Is there something wrong, Braelynn?" He asked.  I smiled back at him, even though I'm sure it looked fake.

"No, nothing," I replied sweetly and continued dancing.  Only that I can't stand you.

He thinks he is so high and mighty (even though he is a prince) with his smirk and confident stride.  His dull brown hair was always styled in the same slicked back manner.  His royal sash fit snugly on his suit, showing off his authority to everyone who looked.  And don't even get me started on his personality.  He talked and gave orders like everyone was below him.  I don't think he has ever listened to a word I said.

We danced to a couple more songs before my mother came over to us and  led me back to the throne. I tried to hide my smile of relief.

It didn't work.

This is the only time I actually am glad to sit on my throne.

Time passed on as I watched the people below me.  They soon began to file out, but not before bowing or curtsying to us.

I hated this.  I didn't want to be seen as higher up than everyone else just because I was born into a royal family.  I didn't want to be kept from all the fun or making any decisions because of my parents.  But that's just how things are around here, and I've come to accept that after nineteen years.

Maids and butlers filed in after everyone was gone to clean up the mess that was left behind.  My mother nodded at me and I got up from my throne and descended the three steps that led to the main floor.  My heels kicked an empty glass across the floor, so I bent down to pick it up.

A slap on my hand stopped me before I could touch it.  Just one guess on who that could be.

My mother clapped her hands and a maid dropped the tray she was carrying to sprint over to us and pick up the glass.  We met eyes and I gave her my best I'm sorry my mother is such a bitch look.  She looked down straight away and scurried off.

I sighed and began to walk towards the door leading to the east wing where my chambers were.

"Braelynn," my  mother's voice echoed in the almost empty room.  I turned around the best I could in my dress.

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