Chapter One

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In true Danica fashion, she was late.

She was always late; wherever she went and whatever she did. 

Armed with nothing but the clothes on her back, her black peacoat,and her well-loved, tie-dyed knapsack, Danica sprinted through the small airport.  Even though it was hopeless, she knew she had to try. 

"Stop!" She shouted as she could see the plane departing the terminal through the floor to ceiling windows.  "Please, stop!"

Dodging people who apparently had no place to be, scowling whenever she had to change the directions of her path, Danica internally pleaded with God.

I swear I'll start going to church... I swear I'll start going to church!

"Please!" Danica practically skidded to a stop at the gate.  "That's my flight, I have to get on."  She fumbled with her ticket, slapping it down on the podium, all the while keeping her eyes on the plane slowly turning away from the airport towards the runway.

The man behind the counter stared at her, wide-eyed, before gently pushing the ticket back to Danica.

"No can do, sweetheart.  You done missed your flight."

"No, no, no," Danica laughed nervously, pointing to the plane.  "It's still here!  Just... use this handy dandy thing," she leaned over, tapping the walky talky strapped to his shirt pocket.  "Just tell them they have to turn around really quick."  She brushed her long bangs out of her face.

The man moved back, disgusted that anyone would attempt to touch his precious walky talky.  "Look, sweetheart, it's gone.  I ain't callin' no one."

Why is he getting all sassy?!

"It's not gone!"  Danica stomped her foot, using both hands to direct his attention to the window behind him.

Slowly the plane picked up speed down the runway.

"Please hurry," she pleaded.  "I can't miss this flight, you don't understand."

Mr. Sassy Man pursed his lips and planted a hand on his hip.  "No, you don't understand."

Danica's heart pounded as the plane began to lift off the ground.  "It's okay, it's still here... just use that thing," she leaned over again to once again tap the walky talky.

"Touch me one more time, girl."

Another gentleman, a much older one, stepped in before threats could be made.  "Can I be of some help, Ma'am?"

"Yes!  Thank you!"  Danica glanced at the name tag of both men.  "Paul!  Nice to meet you Paul.  You see, I'm supposed to be on that plane right there, the one that is getting smaller and smaller the longer we stand here chatting about it, but Kevin here," she glared at Kevin, "won't tell them they left someone behind.  But you'll fix that, right?  Just call them on this doo-dad for me?"  Danica reached and tapped Paul's walky talky and Paul stepped back out of reach.

Kevin gave Paul a look.  "She's obsessed."

"Ma'am, please calm down.  You simply missed your flight, and I'm very sorry for you, but there is nothing we can do."

"But," as Danica reached over, Kevin raised his hand, signaling to someone behind her, "this thing," she tried to tap one last time, aware she was being childish, but clearly out of ideas.

"Let's go, Ma'am," someone gently placed a hand on her elbow to guide her away from the podium.  It was security.

"No, no, I'm sorry, I'll stop!  Just call them!"  Danica pulled her arm away from the brutish security guard, her closed fist making it's way across the podium and into Paul's shoulder.

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