chapter five

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I was stuck.
Stuck inside the belly of the vehicle and I had no choice but to stay put until it's wheels stopped rolling and the towering man opened the door.

I was bored, and my mind began to wander across a vast field of thoughts. I thought about the man who drove the vehicle. He only had one eye, the other socket just lay bare for everyone to see the absence of what should of been there.
"Eh em." I said, disguising my words as a cough.
He didn't move.
"EH HEM." I coughed louder, hitting my chest with the palm of my hand, trying to add more emphasis to my performance.
"Do you need something?" The thick accent answered, "something to shut you up perhaps?"
"I was uh, just uh-" I stammered, not finding the words I wanted to say. He growled viciously in response,
"Spit it out will ya!" 
"How on earth did you lose your eye?" I said quickly, words tumbling out my mouth as if they were racing to see who jumped out first.

The car lurched to stop, throwing me forward and causing me to bang my head against the seat in front of me. I brought my hand up to rub my head which was throbbing painfully.
"What gives you the right to ask that?" He said to me, anger clearly distinct in his gruff voice.
"I was curious." I mumbled softly, gazing at my fingers in my lap.
"Have you never heard of curiosity killed the Shepard?" He asked me, with a slight sound of humor hidden beneath the harsh sound.
"No." I responded.
"It's something called war lad, ever heard of it?" He grumbled. The vehicle began moving again, towards whatever destination he was driving me too.

My thoughts drew towards my father, the last time I saw him, he was running out into the embrace of war. I nodded slowly,
"Yeah I know all about that monster. It likes to steal things that are precious to you." I gazed out the window watching the countryside zoom past, colours blurring wildly together,
"How did war take your eye?" I questioned him.
"That's another story for another time." He said softly, "Tell you what lad, my name is Walter Clarence. Ask about and someone will tell you."
"Water Clarence." I muttered under my breath, and turned my head to gaze out the window once again.
The world was passing by, the colours of the world swirling together.
"Not much longer now Shepard." Walter grumbled, causing me to rip my gaze from the window,
"Where exactly are we?" I asked him, still curious to know where we were going and what I was meant to be doing.
"I thought your mother would of told you. You are here to be a-"
"Spy." I cut him short, "I've realized that. What I don't understand quite yet is exactly how I'm going to do that." Walter only responded with a deep chuckle,
"That's why you are here. So we can show you." I shook my head, hoping somehow how the continuous movements would shake some sense into the situation. Through my fear of leaving my mother and the shock of Walter's missing eye, I still had not realized what I was actually here for.

I was hired to become a spy for the Soviet Union.
I shook my head again.
"The war is over but we still don't trust The Soviets?" I said out loud, once again earning another chuckle.
"After all this death? I don't think trust can ever be founded again." He told me.
"After all this death?" I responded, "life itself will never be the same."

The vehicle came slowly to a stop, and the blurring world came to a standstill too.

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