chapter two

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I was completely mystified.
Lost in thought, I began to stare out the window, where a beautiful blue sky washed over grassy hills and they seemed to dance together in a beautiful trance.
They seemed to beckon me.

I wanted to go outside and run and lay in the grass just like I did when I was younger, when I didn't have to care about things like war.
I wanted to go outside and savor the last bit of beauty this world had to offer before man destroys it.

I made my toward the door and with a shaky hand, reached for the golden brass knob.
"Finn? Where are you going?" My mother's angelic tone questioned from behind me.
"Out." I responded while gesturing towards the window. She looked and me and her eyebrows drew closer.
"I don't think - "
"You heard what they can do! They flattened cities mother! Just let be savor earth before they behead it to."

A shocked expression fell over her face. But she nodded.
She understood.

I turned and continued my journey to the door handle, when once again my mother called,
"Savor it for me too."
"I will." And just like that I turned and walked out the door of the small cottage and into the world that surrounded it.

My eyes scanned the landscape, taking in every colour that the land produced. I spotted a a hill, not too tall but it still looked like you could touch the clouds if you found yourself at the top.

I began my journey to conquer my little hill, walking slowly and taking deep breaths. Images of the past war flashed through my head reminding me of the continued pain and suffering that humans conflicted upon each other. The images began to flash faster, and a single question formed in my head,
"What is going to happen now?"
And unfortunately, I could not answer the question. I don't feel like life could ever go back to the way it was as humans seemed to have permanently damaged earth this time.
I was so deep in my thoughts that I never realised I already summited my hill.
I reached up towards the sky willing the clouds to come closer so I could touch them but I couldn't no matter how high I reached.

I lay down in the soft grass, and my eyes gazed at the blue sky that had white clouds painted across it. 
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, and I began to drift in and out of sleep.
"That's not a good idea." Said a soft voice that seemed to come from above me.
Slowly I opened my eyes to see a girl with snowy hair and eyes made from the ocean.
For a second, I had wondered if I was dreaming for it had been ages since I'd seen let alone spoke to a girl. She let go of a soft chuckle as she saw me and said,
"The war may be over but it doesn't mean that you can fall asleep on a hill can you? Enemies of yours could see you in a vulnerable state." I looked at her and into her ocean eyes, a swirling mixture of blue and green, and if you looked close enough, yellow came about every now and then.
Who was this girl?
And just like that her ocean eyes vanished and were replaced with a white, matching the colour of her hair. As quickly as the snow in her eyes had come, they melted again, becoming the ocean that they were before.

"I'm Evangeline."

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