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Hannah Johnson 

With a sigh I threw my last shoes in my suitcase. I took a step back and looked at it. This is never going to fit. I sighed again and tried to zip it but it wouldn't give in. Looks like I have to try it the other way. I tried to keep the suitcase close with my hands while stepping on the bed and deciding to put my entire weight on the thing by sitting on it. I sat down while trying to zip the suitcase with all the strengt that I had. Finally! I got off and pulled the way too heavy suitcase off my bed and on the ground.  "Han, they're here!" I heard my mom yelling from downstairs. "Coming!" I yelled from upstairs. I looked at my suitcase and sight one last time before grabbing it and rolling it towards the stairs.

 It took me awhile to get down the stairs while carrying the heavy thing but I made it. "Jesus, what's all in that thing?" My mom laughs when she sees my suitcase. I shrug my shoulders. "Where should I start?" I ask laughing. My mom shakes her head. "Please spare me, everyone is waiting for you."  I had the most amazing mom in the entire world. It was just us two since my dad left when I was still a little girl, but surprisingly enough, I don't miss him. We moved to los angeles after my dad left and started an whole new life just with the two of us and I liked it that way. My mom and I have always been really close and she raised me well. Even if I say so myself. 

I give my mom a long hug. "Please be careful." she says. "Don't do things I wouldn't do, call me when you arrive and look good after yourself and the others okay?" I nod and she gives me a kiss on the forehead. "Have fun sweetie! Try call me as much as you can!" She smiles and I nod again before leaving the house and walking towards the car where Ethan is leaning on. "Well that took ages." He says. "Oh shut up." I smile and give him a hug. "We're going guys!" Ethan yells. "You can put your suitcase in the back Han." He says to me before getting into the drivers seat. I take a quick look at the other 2 cars where I can see Martin in one drivers seat with Dave next to him and in the other car I spot Jackson in the drivers seat with my best friend Emma next to him. I wave and smile at Emma before walking over to the back of Ethan's car to dump my suitcase. I sigh when I realize who I'm also sharing the long ride with next to Ethan. I open the door and take the back seat. "Hi Han." Justin says with a smirk. I mumble something that looks like an "hi" and sit down. "Ready?" Ethan asks with a smile. "Ready." I smile back when Ethan starts driving. I wave one last time to my mom who is looking out the window and smile. Finally, Vacation! It was long needed. 


Short intro :) 

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