chapter Six

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Rosia pov
It been like a whole years I haven't seen my two brother, but However I'm not letting John get the Stone.

"Marie!" Elena said causing me to look at her and see what she holding.

"Why do u have the Stone" I said.

"I'm handing it to John" Elena said which led me to angry.

"No u are not" I said

"Well sorry but have to" Elena said walking to the door but I sped there and grab her throat and took the Stone from her.

"What are u doing?" Stefan said.

"She trying to take the Spell to John" I said.

"Um we Part of it" Stefan said.

"How dare u!" I said and threw Elena to him and speed off with the stone.

"I heard it" A voice said and Elena and Stefan look and saw Jeremy eyes fill with water.

"Jer, Plz" Elena said.

"NO! how could u do that to ur own best friend and Your sister! Now I'm going to find her" Jer said and left.

"Hey Rose,Is everything okay?" Matt said hate seeing his best friend sad

"They Betray me Matt" I said.

"But I didn't" a voice said behind.

"Enzo?" I said sadly.

"What the hell is going on Victoria" Enzo said .

"They try to take the Stone to John" I said

"Hm and they Betray u?" Enzo said looking at her

"U know,I wish I was with u but I'm on the run" I said.

"Yeah from Elijah he dead anyway he ain't coming back so mind coming with me" Enzo said smiling and I got up and went with him.

"Hey Matt! Have u see Rosia!?" Jer said

"Yeah she just left but u can call her" Matt said.

"Rosia, Please where are you?' Jer said

"I'm sorry Jer but this Stone is breaking, And I'm getting away from u all, don't come looking for me tell the rest to live happy" I said and hung up

"So the Stone,are we breaking it or killing John?' Enzo said.

"Both" I said.

They broke the Stone and Enzo went down with a Arrow through his heart, I ran and Kill John and Save Enzos life.

"There u are!" Jer said but stop when he notice a guy as the rest stand up.

"Vic, who this?" Stefan said.

"This is the person I have love more than Mikaelson family and His name is Enzo" I said smiling

"Hand over the stone" Damon said.

'Sorry but I broke it" Enzo said Damon went to hurt him but I threw him.

"Where John?" Care said.

"Oh he dead and the stone is broke" I said.

"Why! It the only way to bring All the Mikaelson family back" Stefan said.

"I don't need them, And I'm leaving" I said.

"Enzo,what is she talking about" Elena said.

"She leaving for good" Enzo said sadly and a hurt tone and Stefan notice Enzo tone he knew Enzo is in love with Rosia.

"Where are you going Rose?" Jer said.

"Somewhere out of This town and don't follow me don't come looking for me" I said.

Stefan pov
It been 10 months since Rosia left,I felt bad betraying her but Damon wasn't part of it maybe he can talk to her.

"Damon" Ste said.

"What Stefan?" Damon said

"Maybe u can talk to her" Stefan said.

"I don't know" Damon said.

"Who the hell are you!?" Elena shout.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Mason and that Tony" Mason said.

"What have u done!" Tyler said.

"Oh I'm calling Rosia too" Mason said.

"Hello?" I said.

"Ah the sweet Rosia" Mason said.

"Mason u bastard! What the hell did u do" I said.

"Oh I kidnapped the people u love" Mason said.

"Let them go" I said

"Nah, But do u have any ideas why I'm about to kill Tyler" Mason said.

" Don't u fucking dare touch Tyler!" I roar

"Heh she coming Tony" Mason said no answer

"Tony" mason said.

"Looking for this" A voice said holding Tony

"Ah Rosia give me Tony" Mason said

"Nah not til u let them go" I said.

"Oh that hard let Tony go then " Mason said.

"Nah forget it" I said and Bite Into Tony neck and drop his dead body to the ground.

"U has to do that" Mason said turning into a wolf and attack Rosia.

I kill Mason by diving the stake in his heart.

"Rosia?" Elena said.

"I'm here don't worry" I said push the wolf off and untie them

"Why?" Stefan saidm

" why what?" I said.

"U left" Stefan said.

"Because I had to Stefan,u betray me" I said and left.

Vampire DiariesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora