Chapter three.

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Rosia pov
I got ready for the Dance Ball,I knew Something was up,My own mother was alive, She trying to Kill me I don't know why.

"Wow Ria,U look Stunning" Care said smiling at me.

"Thanks Care,U look pretty" I said smiling when I notice Stefan, who mouthed to her "save me a dance"

"I'm glad U and Stefan together" Care said smiley.

"Shut up Care, Let grab some shot?" I said smirking

"no way" Care said grin evily

"Please?" I said giving her a puppy look til she gave in.

"Fine, We can grab a shot" Care said.

"So Care can I ask u something?" I said.

"Sure Lia" Care said

"How does it feel to be closer to someone u have love?" I said not taking my eyes off The man she loved.

"Good, I mean Can I ask u a question Lia?" care said nervously

"Caroline don't be nervous, u can tell me anything" I said smiley.

"Can we like be closer as u was to Elena?" Care said nervously

"Caroline,I have been wanting to and we starting today" I said smiling.

"Wait do u and Tyler know each other?" Care said with a look.

"Yeah I'm assuming he didn't tell u?" I said.

"Tell me" Care said.

"Not without us" Damon said with Bon,Lena,Stefan and Jer and Matt.

"Ty and I goes way back in 1823, it when we started to grow closer to each other as we are sister and Brother and not to mention Tyler is my brother, We will do what it take to take down Mason,Even though Mason is my Biology Father, He did all the horrible things to me and Tyler,and In 1992, It when I and Katherine started traveling around in Europe, Met new people, Then stay in one place and started to make a plan how to take down the man she been running from for a hundred years now" I said.

"Who was she running from?" Elena asked.

"She was running from a man name Niklaus Mikaelson, After that he found her but he was gonna kill her so in 1993, I and Garcia travel looking around and how to save Katherine,Then we met this one witch who knew a spell where Klaus has Katherine, But it was too late she was turn by him,in 1994 that when I met the rest of the Mikaelson, Never liked them, In 1995 is when I met Damon and Stefan and started Hunting with them,But I wasn't in Myistc Fall during that times,That when Tyler got worried,Then 1997 I arrive back after killing My Biology Father and Esther who is a mother of The Mikaelson family,But yeah" I said clearing my throat

"So how did u know the witch spell?" Bonnie said.

"Well My mother is a witch and my biology father is a werewolf, but I have a witch and Vampire in me,Then I realize One of a vamp name Stefan turn me but I was grateful for that, but I came back My mother is alive" I said not taking her eyes off Stefan who felt guilty.

"Wow true story" Care said as she was sorry for my Lost.

"It okay" I said as they left me and Stefan alone.

"About that,I'm sorry" Stefan said with his eyes full with hated.

"Stefan,Don't apologize, I forgave u,U were protecting the love one I understand" I said with a smile,Deep down she was hurting because her and Stefan relationship has came to the end.

"So having Fun?" A cute Voice said behind me I snap and see Tyler.

"No,Ty I'm not" I said as I didn't notice til I was crying but Tyler notice

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