Chapter One- The Lab

Start from the beginning

It was during one of these lucid moments I had a thought. Everywhere on my body was firmly strapped down, everywhere except my head. I had only a couple of minutes to act, but it was all I needed. Lifting my head slightly, I suddenly became aware of how heavy it was, like someone plastered a lump of led to my skull. However, I had no time to think about this I had mere seconds to get the IV out of my arm, which had been shackled above my head. Arching my neck to the point where I feared my neck would snap, I latched my teeth onto the tube which pumped the unidentified drugs into my system, and pulled as hard as I could. 

Pain tore through my arm as I continued to tug on the tub, but I fought through it. With a small hiss the needle ripped through my skin and I quickly spat out the tub. 

Shaking I held my breath for a moment, waiting for an alarm to be triggered and for dozens of men in lab coats to come running in and ruin my hard work. I could feel blood trickling from my arm as I hadn't exactly been gentle and in turn ripped a large portion of my arm. Thankfully, I knew it would heal in a moment. 

After five minutes of waiting to be caught I finally let out a long and shaky breath. No one was coming. I could hear no footsteps nor voices around me, I had done it. Now I could think with a clear head and there had to be a way to get out of these binds. I spent the next hour tugging my arms and legs trying to wriggle free but, I was still too weak. I had been starved of blood for too long and without it I had a very slim chance of getting out of this alive.

I was a god damned Vampire, I was strong and fearless, I had lived many years and faced death dozens of time and now all I could do was lay wide open for whatever those men had planned for me. I was a disgrace to my kind and I couldn't help but think what would have happen if I hadn't chosen that night to go hunting. If I hadn't been in that part of town. There were too many 'if's' for my still groggy head to wrap it's self around, especially when I had bigger and more important things to think about. 

"Think Lydia, think..Think."

I chanted to myself, surprised at the sound of my own voice. It had been so long since I had heard a sound other then the beeping monitors and it was a relief to know I could still talk. Just as I had been about to try and wriggle free once more I heard something. Something that wasn't coming from me. It was the very faint sound of footsteps. Heavy boots smacking against marble and judging by the sound, they were heading in my direction.

Shit, shit, shit..I chanted in my head. Looking from my healing arm to the tube which was leaking onto the floor. I was a sitting duck and the footsteps were growing closer. They were joined by another set of feet, however these weren't half as loud nor aggressive then the first, a woman, I guessed.

Squeezing my eyes shut I held my breath, just wishing they would turn in another direction, one that wasn't quickly leading them to my room. But, it was useless and soon they were just outside my door. I lay as still as I possibly could, holding my breath to the point where I was surely turning blue. They snow white door crept open and in came the footsteps, this time joined by voices.

"Phew, she's still here."

The woman spoke, her voice sounded uncertain, almost like she wished I had broken free. Obviously she wasn't very comfortable being around something who ate people like her for breakfast. Literally.

"What did you expect. They've been pumping her with enough tranquilizer to take down an elephant. There is no way she could get free, in fact I'm amazed she still alive."

The mans voice was deep and husky. Also he sounded very confident that I wouldn't be able to put up a fight. We would see about that. Keeping my eyes tightly shut I had to rely on my senses to tell me exactly where they were standing. The large male was to my left, standing at the doorway, while the female was by my bed side staring down at me with fear and disgust radiating from her.

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