6) Chapter Six

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"You're not going anywhere Stilinski" yelled Jackson

Suddenly I feel someone grab my shoulder and spin me around; looking up I see a pair of glowing blue eyes...Jackson.

"Dude..." I begin before Jackson pulls his hand back in the form of a fist and punches me directly in the face.

I feel myself fall to the ground and looking up a see a circle of faces look down at me.

Slowly everything fades to black.


Out of all the awakenings, I have had over the past four days I must say this one had got to be up there on the list of worst ways to be woken up. Waking up to an angry group of werewolves was never a good thing, looking up I see the pack on the other side of the room none of them even looking at me.

Slowly I sit up and look around the room, I notice a small circle of mountain ash surrounding the couch I'm sitting on, I laugh, gaining the pack attention.

"Did you seriously not learn anything the last time you tried this, honestly a good waste of mountain ash" I chuckle.

"How did you pass the barrier?" asked Lydia as the pack walked towards me.

Letting out a sigh I look at the pack.

"You guys are werewolves," I say waving my hand in their general direction "and I'm a werefox...completely different species"

"That's not good enough Stilinski" growled Jackson.

"Well, if you want to know every little detail about how I do it your gonna have to ask Deaton because I am definitely not an expert in..."

"Stiles" growled Jackson one more time

"What do you want then?!" I yell looking around the pack "you ask me to come here and I did, does that not tell you that I was fully prepared to answer any and all questions that you have...how I can be expected to trust any you guys"

"You don't have to trust us, Stiles, because we don't trust you" snarled Erica as Jackson nodded in agreement.

"Well, how about the rest of you?" I ask looking around at the rest of the pack.

Both Erica and Jackson keep shifting glances between me and the pack.

"WELL!" screamed Erica "tell him!"

"Well...ummm" mumbled Isaac "We...we don't know"

Everyone shifted nervously behind Erica and Jackson as the pair turned and glared at them.

"It's just that...uhh we thought that you were a human and that you were...weak and we didn't want you in the pack anymore because of that...but now" rambled Isaac as he indicated to me "it turns out your like us and..."

Isaac trailed off and sounds of agreement came from the rest of the pack as they looked at me with guilt in their eyes.

Standing up slowly I look at them and let out a deep sigh.

"Okay, so let me get this straight...you didn't want me in the pack anymore because you thought I was a 'weak human', but now that you see that is not the case you guys actually want me in the pack?"

"Well...yes...I mean no...but we...uhh" rushed Isaac trying to correct what he had already said.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, okay so this is what's gonna happen, I'm going to tell you guys what you wanna know and then I'm gonna leave...deal?" I say glaring at Jackson and Erica

"Alright, Stilinski now sit down and start to explain" growled Jackson before pushing me back down onto the couch.

Angrily I glare at Jackson before beginning my story.


Werefoxes were originally created by a Japanese god who blessed a few worthy humans of wielding 'the power of the fox'. Werefoxes cannot be turned by a bite they have to be born from the line of people who were originally given 'the gift'.

The only exception to this is when over 2,000 years ago a man in Europe was able to create a spell that turned his dying child into the first and only magically created werefox. This line of foxes was different to the rest of the species, instead of their eyes glowing green or blue their eyes glow a deep orange or sometimes a purple. These foxes had a better connection to the Earth and to the magic that flows through it, because of this the foxes born from this line are the only were creatures in existence that can perform magic and pass over any mountain ash barrier.

If you hadn't already guess I am born from this line of werefoxes. No, I can't do magic...my...my Mom died before I could start my magic training."

I finish my story and turn away from the pack and dry my eyes before they can see the tears in them.

"Does that answer some of your questions?" I mumble

Erica turned to me and looked me in the eye.

"Almost I just have one more thing to ask," she said as an evil grin slowly spread across her face "doesn't his make you like the biggest freak every?" laughed Erica.

"Wh...what?" I stutter taken back by her statement.

"Well compared to a human...you're a freak. Compared to the pack...you've always been a bit of a freak and even compared to your own species...you...are...a...FREEEEEAK" stated Erica as she laughed.

Turning to Erica, Jackson laughed

"Hey...I think your right"

Both Jackson and Erica turned back to the pack and started to repeat and explain the statement further.

"Well," I say standing up once again "I gave you an explanation so that means I can leave now" I turn and step out of the circle of mountain ash, then proceed to walk towards the door.

As I am about to walk out of the door Lydia called out to me.

"When are you coming back to school?"

Glancing over my shoulder I see everyone staring at me.

"I'm not coming back to school Lydia"

"Stiles" begins Isaac "you can't just 'not come back to school'"

Turning to face them I begin

"When I said I was going to leave I didn't mean the loft...I meant I'm leaving the pack" I turn and walk towards the door and finish...






"I meant I'm leaving Beacon Hills..."

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