Missing Something part 4

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Derek sat beside him. Stiles leaned his body against Derek and kept one hand in his fur as he reached out and touched the grass smiling softly.

"Stiles. Son?" John softly called to him from the porch.

Stiles didn't react at first.

"Stiles. Son can you hear me?" John called softly. "Please son."

Suddenly Stiles blinked and his pupils contracted and his scent turned sour. Fear and confusion filled the air. Derek suddenly whined and leaned up hooking his head over Stiles shoulder and snuffling his ear and trying to pull Stiles back from whatever was happening in his head.

"John wait. He's not ready..." Peter was beside John talking to him quietly. "He needs more time... pushing him now might push him back instead of forwards."

Stiles scent was still sour so Derek snuffled into his hair and ear and into his neck. Stiles was ticklish so he began to twitch and snicker and his scent turned soft and honeyed with joy again. Stiles grabbed at Derek's fur and wrapped his arms around his neck burying his face in his neck.

"I can wait... I just want him to get better." John nodded watching his boy smile and hug Derek.

After dinner Stiles and Derek had walked all around the backyard and even Derek got Stiles to laugh a few times as he played with him. As the sun started to set Derek was ambling by Stiles and he leaned against his legs rubbing his body across his legs scenting the boy.

He didn't realize what he was doing until he looked up and saw Peter watching him with a frown. It wasn't judgement it was worry in his eyes. Worry for Derek.

Derek stopped and looked back at Stiles and realized that they smelled of eachother so much that it would be hard to recognize which was which through scent.

That was confusing his wolf. Wolves only scent their mates like that. He could feel it. The pull that his wolf felt to scent Stiles more. To claim him as his very own. He told his wolf that Stiles wasn't his and to his dismay he actually gave a pained whimper. His ears drooping.

Stiles caught this and knelt down beside him and buried his face in Derek's neck rubbing his face into his fur. Derek's wolf whimpered and his paw raised to hug Stiles as the boy put his arms around him.

Derek felt his heart start to ache. He was going to miss this when Stiles was better. The boy would never in a million years ever touch him like this in his right mind. So... he would let himself enjoy it while he could.

In the setting sun he held his human and his human held him back.

That night he waited until Stiles was asleep to get out of the bed where Stiles had pulled him into and held onto him in order to get to sleep.

He trotted out of his room and changed back into his human form. It hurt. His body was sore from being in wolf form for days on end.

He rolled his shoulders and leaned against the wall and tried to get his head right.

A pair of shorts were held out by Isaac. "Are you okay?"

Derek took the shorts and nodded. "I'm fine." He pulled them on and scrubbed his fingers through his hair. He needed a shower.

"It's good to see you again. Not in fur." Isaac smiled shrugging.

Derek reached out and ruffled Isaac's hair. "Good to be in skin again."

They soflty laugh together and then Isaac sniffs. "It's so weird to smell you guys now... it's making my wolf a little confused who I'm around."

Derek's lips lose their smile. "Really?"

Isaac shrugs. "It's not that big of a deal. I know you're you. But my wolf... I don't know its like I feel like I can't touch Stiles now cause... it would be wrong or something..."

Derek sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. "It's because Stiles is sick... and my wolf has been scenting him so that no other wolves would want to hurt him. It's basically like a big sign saying don't hurt this it belongs to an Alpha."

Isaac's eyes go wide. "Belongs?"

Derek growls. "Not like that." Isaac flinches at that so he groans. "It's protective. Like for a pup."

"I get it." Isaac nods and heads back downstairs.

Derek headed to the bathroom. But ran into Peter first, lurking on the stairs in his usual lounging lurkiness. "You need to take a day off... go running or something..."

Derek gave him a silent snarl. "I'm fine."

"Sure you are." Peter scoffs.

Derek went and took a shower ignoring Peter's remarks. And that ache inside him.

As he got out of the shower and started to dry himself off he smelled it. The sour scent of fear.

He was bounding up the stairs and into Stiles room within seconds. He had a towel around his hips and he saw exactly what he had hoped was not going to happen tonight.

Stiles was having a nightmare. His body tense and shaking and his fists gripping the sheets whimpering in fear.

Derek was beside him in an instant. "Stiles. Stiles it's okay. It's safe."

But Stiles just continued to shake. Derek tried to shift back into his wolf form but it hurt so much that he fell to his knees. He was unable to shift back just now. It was too early. "I can't shift back yet Stiles. Please... I promise you're safe."

Stiles was making scared noises and twitching.

Derek reached out softly touching his arm but he flinched away and whimpered.

Derek couldn't think of anything and his wolf was deep inside him whimpering aswell. Derek leaned in and let a soft wine escape his human vocal chords.

Stiles turned towards it and reached out. He made a soft noise again showing that he was here beside Stiles. Stiles reached out feeling Derek's chest. The hair covering his chest was still a little wet from the shower.

But it was very different being touched like this when he was so human. The ache bloomed deeper. A soft whine escaped him again.

Stiles stopped making fearful noises and now just reached out in his sleep and grabbed at Dereks chest and shoulders in his sleep. Derek didn't fight his pull and lay down in bed with him. Somehow Stiles' fingers found there way into his still damp black hair and Derek had to close his eyes from the sight of Stiles reliefe. To see that Derek himself was his own form of protection against nightmares was too much. Too much to handle for the man who had been alone for so long.

He didn't even realize he was making soft whining noises deep in his throat until Stiles started to pet his hair to sooth him and cuddled closer to him. His arms circle Stiles waist and he pulls him closer. Stiles pulls Derek's head onto his chest and holds him close. His body relaxing more and more as he held the alpha in his arms in his sleep.

Derek spent the rest of the night laying ontop of the sheets with a towel around his hips and his head laying on Stiles chest listening to his unique heartbeat.

To be continued

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