Chapter 21: The Moon and Sun Have Met.

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Nothing will ever be 'okay' again. I'll always be conflicted on if everything that has happened is right.

After walking as causally as we can despite the pain chewing away inside me, we reach an awfully dodgy place. I glance at Matsya who looks around the dust filled parking lot for her Daksh. Even the parking lines are faded here and there isn't a single soul that is here. A few streets away there's some huge arena but right now, there's nothing going on there. 

Night is looming over us, the sky already fading away as the sun moves across the sky. Matsya seems to be completely at home, her expression showing no fear as she scans the parking lot. Over her shoulder, there's a black bag that she grabbed from Amir's car. Matsya explained that Amir always kept a spare bag in his car for emergencies. 

Suddenly, I see a flash of black moving at an alarming scent. Dust kicks up into my nose as the car twists into the parking lot, driving faster than needed. The window of the car is open and a tan hand leans out of it, holding a single cigarette. Matsya walks towards him, having no fear of the devil that swooped in the parking lot with the speed of my heart. 

My heart races, set off by the suddenness and surprise of the car. I walk beside Matsya. The car door swings open and a lean man walks out of it, taking a drag of his cigarette. The fog blows out of his lips and he smiles when he sees us, swinging the car keys. 

Matsya smiles back at him. "You have a car? It's not really your style," she comments, although I couldn't see what exactly isn't his style. The car looks as sexy as it can for a car with its pitch black shade and sleek windows. The man himself looks daunting and dangerous as the car is with his black shirt that ripples in the wind and his tight dark blue jeans. "I thought you only had bikes."

"You're absolutely correct. I have no interest in cars," he admits, watching Matsya as he twirls his cigarette in his fingers. He tosses the car keys to Matsya who catches it easily. "But a misfortuned frat boy did. I swear it was so easily."

"What race did you win it in?" Matsya asks as he takes a drag of his smoke. He exhales it, the fog blowing around his face as he smiles. I cough, the scent unappealing to me and Daksh laughs at my reaction. I try not to shoot him a glare and place my eyes firmly on the uneven pavement. 

"The race between me, the cops and the frat boy. I don't think I've driven that fast before," Daksh explains, sighing. "It wasn't so fun as it seems. Apparently the police can barely drive. I'll just stick to racing against other bikers."

All the dots connect with his words. My eyes widen. He's a racer - most likely into drag racing. But how did Matsya meet him? Daksh takes a long look at me and then he looks at Matsya. "He's a bit lost, isn't he?" Daksh questions. 

"Wouldn't you be if some random guy told him he stole a car?" Matsya replies, seeming unimpressed with Daksh. He shrugs and Matsya turns to look at me. "I met Daksh in a bike race. I used to be one of the best bike racers in town. Daksh decided to place a bet on his bike. I decided not to take his precious bike but in return, he had to do a favor."

"I never break a promise so here I am. Oh, and Matsya, you're running away right?" Daksh questions, his eyes lingering on Mastya. With a gulp, she nods. "I could guess with the bags and street. Just a tip, go Goldentown. It's a new place, fairly average homes and pretty low-key."

"Thanks," Matsya says, awkwardly shrugging. "Do you want my bike by the way? It's kind of worthless to me now." Daksh's eyes widen and he nods, trying to play it off cool. Matsya tosses the keys to him which he gracefully catches in his free hands.

"Good luck," he comments. "I hope you guys are successful in whatever you're trying to do." Matsya nods and he walks off, dropping his cigarette to the ground before crushing it. I turn my gaze to Matysa who causally slides into the car seat despite the fact one of the best looking guys I've ever laid eyes on walked past us.

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