Chapter Three: Meeting Her

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Chapter one: Meeting Her.

I smile to myself as I unpeel the wrapper of my chocolate, glad I found it in my car. Despite the fact I had only shoved the bar in the car this morning, I was still sure it would have melted in today's weather. The sun looks nice on instgram posts along with a quote, not in real life where it boils you to the point where you're not sure whether you're a human or a kebab.

The waiting line is long and I'm on the wrong end today. The AC is on full blast, thank God. I watch over the line, watching everyone on their phones or talking to other people. I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to eat in here but I carry on, chewing as I watch the clock tick.

I look around the bank I was in. The room was green, the furniture, the carpets and the walls. Not the best choice, anyone with decent eye sight knows blue is a great color.
I take a long glance everywhere, finally laying my eyes on the glass doors. That's when I start to frown and pray my contact lenses are fooling me. A few people are getting off huge bikes (or deathtraps), wearing pure black. That would have been perfectly fine if it isn't for the fact that every single person has their faces covered either by a ski mask or a plain white mask that covers the nose, mouth and forehead.

My mouth feels dry and I want to go and tell everyone to freeze, to shut the door but I couldn't. Fear took over my rational thinking as the doors open with a crack causing everyone to turn.
"Hands up!" The words echo around the packed room while I force myself to swallow my chocolate piece instead of coughing it out. Instead of shoving my hands in the air, I take another bite and then shove my arms up high.

The voice sounds feminine, she might be a girl. The bankers usually have the most blank expressions I have seen, they always reply in a monotone as well but right now their mouths are left agape and eyes wider. Trying not to panic, I turn around to get a good look at the people who held us captive.

"Hey you!" It's the same person but this time her voice was rougher. I close my eyes, wondering if this will be it. My mouth feels oddly dry and I lick my lips.

If I'm going to die today, I'll die eating good food. Grabbing out my chocolate from my pocket, I tear a piece and shove it my mouth. The whole process probably wasn't very attractive but this may be my last chance to eat. I'm not taking any chances.

As she speaks, I get a closer look of her. Jeans, I think Levi by the looks of it – they look designer. Her jumper covered most of her body figure and finishes off where the label usually is for Levi jeans. Her face was obviously covered by a ski mask.

"What are you doing?" She scroffs, sounding more curious than threatening. Unfortunately this bar of chocolate doesn't give me magical powers so I'm trapped.

"Taking my last bites, I want to die a calm death with chocolate in my mouth," I answer her, calm as I can pretend to be. She ignores my facade, most likely knowing the fact I'm afraid.

"What the absolute fuck do you mean?" Her voice nearly sounds sarcastic now and I relax. It's not like she'll shoot me, right? As she tosses the gun from one perfectly manicured hand to another, I try to stand still. Standing still wasn't really my thing, it didn't seem to sit well with me, especially when it could get me in trouble.

In the end, I comb my black hair back due to stress. A few more seconds tick by and she stops toying with the gun to turn back to her group. "Are we done?" Her voice sounds tough, almost deep.

"Almost, give us a few minutes," someone answers but I'm not sure who. There's three or four of them, all seem to look the same except for the one standing in front of me. My eyes glance outside, seeing a few plants growing almost out of their pots near the doorways. The whole theme of this place seems to be green.

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