this time it's different

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Spider-Man/Peter pov
Ugh, man wha-, where am I? The bri-, wait, I realize I am in a deep dark alley in Manhattan and.... MY SUIT!!!
THE SYMBIOTE!!! Jump up and pancic and, and... i-... i am fine. Like, normal.
'Took you that fast to realize that" 'huh, symbiote?' 'Sss relax, i mean no harm ever. I am stable, you are in control.'...

It is right, i think. But, Despite that it is part of my DNA, i should still stay cautious. After that first bond, Harry being the venom and espcially after the whole carnage incident. But for now I am now aggression is being occured. Not even hypnotic voice are swirling jn my head. 'So are we one?'

(Sigh) I should like "further experiment" this if this thing is playing a trick.

I just notice that it's still raining. And it is so dark, I guess I was out for 2 hours.

Ah man, I will be hearing this from MJ tomorrow. But I am actually more down about Harry, i finally got him into great progress reports. This was suppose to be his night of his accomplishment and I actually let him down. 'Maybe tomorrow we should ask Fury for a week off after finals for harry."
. . . ' a really good idea' that is a complete first for the symbiote. 'Well then lets go home.'

I jump from wall to wall across this dark that seems to be like a sanctuary for the symbiote of his perspective. I web swing out of the alley to the bright street lights of Manhattan.

- Queens, parker residents

From the whole trip, I was indeed in full control. I do still feel the symbiote's presence but it wasn't too hostile.

I landed on my window amd entered my room. Finally. As I walk center, the symbiote then unboded me leaving me in my white shirt and shorts then it was scatting to my top desk just hanging there. Hm. I just didn't bother change to my regular clothes. Now i feel like there is something missing...


I was both out and unconnected for 2 hours! I rush down stairs and to the living room. No one. Then tp the kitchen and dining room. No one. I guess she is not home yet.

I grab the house home on the counter next to the couch and dial her cell.
... yes she answered. "Hello? Peter?" "Yes, hi aunt  May." "Peter, I've been calling to see if you made it home for 2 hours." "Um sorry, aunt May. I just... ruin my phone in the rain on the way." " Oh. Okay then, that explains it. But tomorrow you will pay for your new phone." "That's not a problem. Alright aunt may cya to tonight." "Alright bye Peter."

As she hung up, i walk straight into the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I then walk into the leaving ready eat and watch t.v.

I sat down turn my head to my right and see-


on the other counter next to the couch. I just stare in full shock.

"What. Do you think i would just hang back there and just be a furniture?"

Ugh. This night.

I just turn and change the channel to the news

Anchorman: this just in! A blacksuited Spider-Man with light blue highlights. Made an appearance just recently. No one knows about this new masked avenger. Now the questions are, does this link to the previous venom and carnage incidents? Is he displaying as a hero or menous? Is he in alliance with the Avengers? But one thing that we should all wonder. Could this possibly be the original Spider-Man in a new suit?


Huh? "Phone's ringing." "Yeah i heard that." I pick up the phone and revealed Nick Fury. "Parker. Tomorrow our main lead will be on this new blacksuited Spider-Man." I glare at the symbiote literally mining it's business. "Hey. Don't look at me? He never said there is a problem."

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