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They were known by all, their talents being admired and envied by all students. Professors called them star students, never failing to impress them at anything they threw at the two.
Girls wanted to be them, boys wanted to date them.

They were never ones to make friends though, their social skills were very low and so this caused them to come of as unapproachable. People would part for the two to make their way though the hallways, whispers being exchanged but never fazing the twins as they went.
No one attempted to befriend them, even the most courageous of students, they feared they would be turned away and humiliated.

Let's got to the basics. The two were both nine teens years of age, one being born at one minute to twelve on the 31st of December and the other being born at one minute past twelve on the 1st of January. Yep, awkward.

The 'oldest' was Marina. A girl with stunning pink eyes and long, rainbow pastel coloured hair. She was the snarky one of the two, always having something to say or a comeback to give. She enjoyed physical activity, being amazing at gymnastics and athletics. Being incredibly flexible and bending her body in most ways gymnasts only wished they could. Marina also enjoyed singing and dancing as a side hobby as well as archery and horse back riding. She was the more outgoing one.

Then there was Lyla. The 'younger' sister who had gorgeous purple eyes and long, vibrant rainbow coloured hair. She was the kinder one of the two, balancing herself and Marina out into equals with their personality. She was the sort of person to see both sides before choosing one and acting. Lyla was a full on geek, enjoying any type of science and loving maths. Lyla loved to read, seeming to remember all most everything she read and storing it in her mind. Lyla also took an interest in the same hobbies as her sister Marina.

They were as thick as thieves. What they did, they did together. Pranks? They were in on it? Tricky situations? They would get each other out of them.
They relied on each other greatly.
And they aimed to keep it that way.

They were sisters, and best friends rolled into one.

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