Chapter Four

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I looked out onto the world. A huge summer storm forced the air into a hot thick muggy gush of wind. I smiled, the rain poured and lightning dashed making my skin shiver. I heard footsteps coming to the balcony

"Gabriel you know exactly how to make me smile." I say turning around. My father stood there, his facial expression was more than pissed. "Oh, Father. Good morning." I pushed the note into the pocket of my robe.

"What time did you get home last night Elizabeth?" His words were calm but spiked. I knew I had to tread lightly.

"I got home by twelve, just as my plans had said." He sighed and sat down.

"You lie just like your mother, horribly." He smiled as he stared blankly at the roses. "Ella, do you remember what we had talked about when we first moved into the palace?" I shook my head.

"Yes father. You told me how I was a real princess."

"And a princess has to behave a certain way." He said grabbing a rose.

"Yes. I know. I've been taking etiquette classes since I was five."

"Yes, Ella. So can you please explain this to me?" He placed his work phone on the table. I picked it up and looked at it. The article read,

"Princess and Mystery Servant in Love? Scandal in the kingdom." Underneath the title was the picture of Gabriel and I holding hands.

"This is ridiculous, Father." I looked at him. "I know I must be married to a man of power. He was only guiding me. It was not a type of hand holding that a coupe would do."

"You can not be with him Elizabeth." He said sternly. My stomach dropped.

"Father, I-" My words were caught in my throat. I could feel the tears building up.

"Do not talk back to me." He didn't look up from the silky pink petals. "I will not harm Gabriel, he can still work for you, but you need to know." He looked at me. "If I hear of anything more than him serving you or any contact between the two of you," he stood. "I will have him killed publicly for treason."

"Please don't do this."

"You have seven days to pick a husband." He said coldly.

"Father. Please do not rush this. I have only spoken with these men once. How am I supposed to know if I can love one?"

"Ruling a kingdom does not come with love." He started to walk towards the inner door. "You can't rule with love. It's not sensible," My father dropped the rose. "And it will get you killed." I stood up, my entire body shook.

"I do love him, father." He stopped walking. "And I will be with him."

"Eliza-" His voice shook.

"I will never marry a man who you have chosen for me." I screamed. "I will rule with him, With love. And if I must die." Moving towards him, I picked up the rose and threw it at him. "Then so be it."

"How dare you speak to me like that." He roared, turning around.

"Kill meJust as you killed my mother." I hissed the word out. His face was exactly the reaction I wanted. He stepped back. "Do it Alexander! If you could kill the woman who had only wanted freedom and to love you, Then you can kill me!"

"Who told you?"

"Everyone knows." I stepped closer. "You think you're such a merciful and loved ruler. Everyone knows you're a monster!"

"Elizabeth. I did what I had to do." Tears grew in his eyes.

"Then so will I." I wiped my eyes and walked passed him.

"Do not walk away from me when I am talking to you." I didn't stop.

"I'm done listening to you." I started grabbed my suit cases and all of the stashed Platinum cards I could find in my drawers. I started toward my clothes room. I slammed and locked the door behind me. I looked at all of the outfits. I pulled all of the shirts from the hangers, a ll of the pants from the drawers and all of my heels from the shelves. I grabbed the dress my mother had left for me before she died from the protective glass.. I hadn't worn it in years. I inhaled her scent. I slid down the door and hugged the dress as I sobbed softly. A light tapping on the door stopped me. I wiped my tears. "Who is it? Go away. I don't need assistance."

"It's Me." His voice melted over me.

"Gabriel." I sighed. I stood up and unlocked the door. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. I could feel him petting my hair as I buried my face into his shirt.

"Where are you going?" he chuckled.

"We're leaving." I let go and looked at him. "He said I have seven days to marry one of those monsters. He threatened to kill you."

"Elizabeth. This is crazy! What do you think are we going to do?"

"We are going to leave I have ten Platinum untraceable cards." I stepped closer. "Money is no problem let's leave."

"And what? Let the people be ruled by a man who killed your mother."

"What do you mean?" He sighed. "Elizabeth, your father is doing horrible things to the small areas of people who have no power or say over what he does."

"What are you suggesting?" I scoffed. "We start a revolution?" He stood there silently. I grabbed my bags and walked passed him. "Everyone in this place is fucking crazy." I yelled. I turned and winked at him. The truth was that the entire palace had microphones. He followed me silently. "We have to take your Truck. It'll be the only one that doesn't have a tracker." He pulled it around front. It was an older blue Chevy. Gabriel got out and smiled. 

"Your chariot awaits." He chuckled as he opened my door.

"Will you please put my bags in the back?" I asked him softy. He shook his head, and put my bags in the back.

"Where to?" He asked putting on his seat belt.

"Portland, Oregon." I said smiling. He keyed in the directions and we took off.

"It's a long drive to Oregon Ella." I leaned over and kissed him. "Hey! Hey! Hey! I gotta drive." he smirked as he looked at the road. "You little distraction." I laughed as we drove down the long driveway. "Are you 100% about this?" he asked. I turned on the radio and dropped my tiara out of the window.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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