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"I am so sorry!" I said while pickingy My things up off the floor. I looked up to see large grey eyes staring down at me. "Uhm..." I got up off the floor and introduced myself. "I'm Elizabeth." I said stretching my hand out to him. He waited for a while but he actually took it and said "Aaron."
The bell for third period rang. "Well Aaron I am terribly sorry for bumping into you like that and I have to go now! Bye!" I ran down the halls and intoy class. Thinking of Aaron the whole time.


I turned around to see Conor, his boyfriend Michael, Victoria, her boyfriend Justin, and Whitney.
"Hey guys."
We all Sat down at our table. While everyone was talking myind drifted back to Aaron. "Lizzie!" Whitney said waving her hand in front of my face. "Huh?" I said blinking like a thousand times. "Were bout to go get coffee after school. Wanna come?"
"Oh.. yeah!"
"Great!" I got up to get some food. When I got up I bumped into someone.. Again..
I feel to the floor with a thud. "Ow.." I said. I looked up to Aaron. His grey eyes piercing into me. After a while of looking g at each other he offered me a hand up.
"I swear I'm not doing this on purpose." I said with a nervous laugh. Aaron smirked. And I swear it was the hottest thing ever. "Be sure to don't do it again." His voice dangerously dark, it sent a chill through my body. And with that he walked away..
'holy hell.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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