It's Possible

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Sorry for the long weight, my loves.
Get it?
Hahah. Weight. I'm hilarious.

So, essentially, for about a week or so, I totally ignored my plans of getting fit, getting happy, and getting healthy.
And you know what? I've forgiven myself!!! Because some days, before you're diet, you're gonna feel like you've gotta eat a pizza.
Go eat one.
And then start your diet the very next day.

Today marks one week in to doing the Negative Calorie Diet, and the second day of using Plexus Slim and Plexus ProBio.
And I'm already seven pounds down.
Let me tell you, this diet is a Godsend. I've quite literally only exercised on one day, and only to tone. No cardio whatsoever.

One pound a day, and the food is amazing.
Now, I'm not gonna tell you it's easy- at least not at first. But the fact is, when you stick with something, you adjust to it.
Do I still want Ice Cream?

Hell yeah.

Am I going to eat it just because I want it?


Okay, so this here ^^^ was me like, in October

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Okay, so this here ^^^ was me like, in October. The 20th, I believe. It's the most recent full body pic. I know it was a bit ago, but it's my current before.
I essentially stayed that weight, if not gained some in between then and last Monday.

This ^^^ is me this morning

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This ^^^ is me this morning.

I can feel it. I'm no longer 200 pounds, which feels refreshing!!!
I can see it in my jawline, my belly pooch. And a bit in my shoulders. Every week I'll post a new picture, showing my progress.

And here's the thing: you can still eat out when you're on a diet.

Pretty much, I've stuck to a less-than-1000 calorie diet (which sounds drastic but I'm taking vitamins and snacking and such.

My eating schedule would probably be summed up to:

Morning: veggie smoothie. Something with protein. Under 300 calories.

Lunch: fruity smoothie. Still under 300.

Dinner: okay, so dinner varies. Sometimes I have another smoothie. Most times I eat a salad with some sort of white meat/seafood in it, or veggies and meat at night. Nothing after nine. Usually around 200-400 calories.

A good schedule is incredibly important.

Good luck getting healthy my loves!!!

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