Chapter 14 ~ Talk about surprises

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Genesis P.O.V

I shot up from my bed hearing the fire alarms go off. I looked around the room panicking when I didn't see Dana. I jumped off the bed and ended up falling on top of someone. I looked down to see Dana

"Dana what the hell!!" I yelled standing up quickly. He stood up with wide eyes

"I fell off the bed when the alarms went off!" He said freaking out. We both ran out to the hall to see Dalton and Will with the same expressions as us. We ran downstairs almost trampling a very scared Gabe once we got downstairs. 

"What the hell is going on?!" Gabe shouted. I could smell the familiar scent of burnt pancakes

"Is Sarah cooking?!" I said confused. We all ran into the kitchen to see Sarah and Cole standing there with their arms crossed. 

"Cole what the hell man!!" Will shouted over the alarm. Sarah giggled clicking a remote that was on the counter making the alarms stop. 

"I knew you guys would wake up to my burning pancakes" Sarah said smirking. I noticed there was a set of freshly made pancakes on the counter along with a burnt set. 

"Oh, We burned some pancakes on purpose to wake you all up!" Cole spoke up. We all shot them death glares

"That is a cruel sick joke!" Dalton snapped.. "Why the hell didn't I think of that before" He added. 

"Well don't just stand there, come get some pancakes and lets sit at the table!" Sarah said handing us plates

"We also made some eggs, bacon, and french toast successfully without burning the house down!" Cole said smiling wide. Once we grabbed our food we made our way to the dinner table to eat. Once we sat down we all dug into our food instantly

"Holy crap this is the best french toast I've ever eaten!" Will said taking a bite of french toast

"It really is good....but wait Cole, why the hell were you in the kitchen with Sarah?!" Gabe said rolling his eyes

"Yeah dude I thought you sucked at cooking!" Dalton added. Cole rolled his eyes

"I actually know how to cook thank you very much!" Cole said taking a bite of his bacon. 

"You still haven't answered our question on why you two were cooking alone!" Will said raising his eyebrows.

"Well why ask us why we were alone when Gen and Dana spent the night together" Cole said raising his eyebrows. Oh no....

"oooohhh BUSTED!" Dalton said laughing. I looked over at Dana to see he had the same expression as I did

"W-well I can explain..." Dana said nervously.

"Well judging by your bruised up eye and busted lip...something tells me that you had something to do with the fight last know the one where Jake was left out in my driveway till the party was nearly over" Sarah said raising her eyebrows. Dana coughed nervously

"Y-yeah..." He said looking down. 

"What happened?" Will asked looking over at Dana. 

"He umm...." Dana looked over at me, making sure it was okay for him to tell everyone what happened last night. I gave him a small nod telling him it was okay. "He hit Gen..." He blurted out. Everyone's eyes widened

"What?!!" Sarah shouted. I cringed trying to avoid eye contact

"He said he wanted to talk to me about something we went out to the drive way to talk and...I don't know, one thing led to another and the next thing I knew he hit me..." I mumbled. 

"That ass hole!" Gabe said clenching his fists. 

"Luckily Dana was near by when it happened and he took care of it...after he pretty much beat the living shit out of Jake he helped me get to my room..he was with me for a long time and I don't know..I needed someone and I didn't want to make the situation any worse so I asked him to stay with me" I said looking up at everyone. I couldn't really tell what everyone was thinking, they all had different expressions, Gabe was beyond pissed, Will looked like if someone had just told him a horror story, Dalton surprisingly seemed like he wanted to come over and hug me, Cole kept looking at Dana and me non stop....I think he kinda knows whats going on...well I think he always knew I had something for Dana. My eyes landed on Sarah..she had the biggest smirk on her face. I can already tell what she was thinking "Oh my gosh he so likes you and you like him!! you guys are gonna get married and have curly haired children!"..

"It was very heroic of you to stand up for Gen like that if I do say so myself!" Will spoke up. 

" was really sweet of you Dana" Sarah said making Dana blush. After we ate we all helped Sarah clean up the table. We were almost done when Sarah jumped up scaring the living shit out of all of us

"GUYS!!!" she shouted. "We gotta get going! The plane leaves in like two hours and I still need to find my suitcase and finish packing.

"WHAT?!" Me and the guys said in unison. I glanced over at Cole..his face was priceless

"Yeah! didn't I tell you guys I'm moving to Cali for a better position for Tumblr! You all didn't think I'd let you go THAT easy now did you?!" She said smirking. Cole nearly dropped the plates he was holding to go and tackle Sarah in a hug.

There is definitely something going on with these two! 

Cole P.O.V

This has got to be the best day ever! Sarah is coming with us California! I'll finally be able to get her know her better! Now that Dana is finally making his move on Genesis, maybe Sarah won't be with her as much and I may actually have a chance to hang out with her, just the two of us. I gotta tell the guys! I need their help to make this girl mine! 

After a while of Me crushing Sarah in one of my famous bear hugs, I felt more arms around us. Wait...are we really doing a group hug? Talk about a cliche!

Genesis P.O.V

Talk about a lot of things happening during a breakfast...I can't believe Sarah is actually coming with us to California!!! This has to be the greatest news I've gotten in a while...but wait...There has to be something going on between Sarah and Cole...I mean he cooked breakfast with her...Cole NEVER cooks! And he kept staring at her during breakfast! Like obvious much?! And on top of all of this...Dana spent the night in my room!!! He never left my side after the whole Jake thing! Can this boy get anymore perfect?! Maybe things are finally falling into place...

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