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Okay,  so I looked at when was the last time I ACTUALLY published something since before the last part.  And,  I haven't posted in 2 weeks.... Not bad.


I ran fast, but not fast enough, and I didn't think fast enough either. Without thinking, I ran into the open where the carriage was and Cameron on the floor, coughing. Good she's still faking. Evangeline was the first to notice me back, alone. 

"Where is your guard?!" she screamed, everyone except Cameron looked surprised. Maven moved close to me. He gripped me by both sides of my face. 

"Where is Katilaine?" his blue eyes bore into mine.

"Someone was following us, and I got scared, ran here." I tried to feel for my lightning and I could feel it. Ready. I stared at Cameron, and she stopped and began to stand up. Apparently Cameron was acting this whole time. I had forgotten the Silent Stine doesn't effect her. She could've been gone a long time ago, left me here, why? All at once everyone was moaning and falling to the ground. Where was Zach? I couldn't have gotten this lucky. 

I electrocuted everyone, praying it would kill them. "Don't kill them" said Cameron. We started going through all the cars, and put everything that we needed in one car. I took Evangeline's training suit and Camera took Tirana's. 

"Let's go. Do you know how to drive?" I sure as hell didn't. Cameron jumped in to the car before she answered and the car started up. We drove the opposite way we came. The car had a lot of things going on. There were vents where warm or cold air came in through, and music. We drove off until we reached the coast. Cameron pulled out something called a phone. She dialed down a combination of numbers. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"I am calling the base." she said withe brows furrowing, concentrating. 


"There are satellites, we can connect from--Hello?? It's Cameron, I am with Mare..... It's a long story on how I am still alive. We need someone to pick us up." She handed me the phone "Here they want to talk to you." 


"Mare" Cal said, a flood of relief swept through me,
" You are so stupid, I am so sorry."
His voice sounded so sad. 

"It's okay, I am safe--" 

"No you are not. Tell me where you are exactly."

I looked to Cameron, " We are at Delphie, the abandoned side." 

"Okay, stay in your car.....I love you." He hung up, but I kept the phone next to my ear. Love. He loves me. I did as he told me. But, something sparked within me. I know I do not have time to mingle with the Traitor Prince, but I love him too. There is no denying it. I slowly drifted away, thinking of him. 
Yes,  I am off by 53 minutes I don't care... It's still 10
Love you guys!!

Will be posting more probably tomorrow 💕💕

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