Chapter 2

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"Hey Baek" Chanyeol strolled in my room. I looked up at him and noticed his hair was still wet from his shower.

"Hey" I sat up pulling my book on my lap.

"Homework already" he asked shocked sitting next to me?

"Not really, the teacher just gave us assigned books and I wanna get it out of the way" I flapped the book.

"Guess I'm gonna have a lot to catch up on" he sighed.

"I wouldn't know I'm not a senior" I emphasized senior.

"Yeah I guess I am a senior... Why'd you tell dad to get me a car" he asked softly?

"I don't know I just thought its your senior year, you're gonna want to hang out and and go out so I just suggested it. And he talked to mom about she said it was okay" I fake read. I lightly rolled my eyes annoyed as I felt my butt vibrate. I wasn't used to talking to people so I kind of get annoyed sometimes.

Okay where'd u go?

My brother' home. I quickly replied.

"Girlfriend" Chanyeol asked?

"No" I shook my head vigorously.

Cool is he like how u remember?

Idk yet.

"I kind of talked all about me while we were at the mall, it's your turn" he pulled my phone out of my hand.

"There's nothing to tell" I shrugged my shoulders. He looked like he was debating whether or not he should ask me more questions.

"Well I won't be your neighbor anymore, so you can't just run down the hall to me" he smirked.

"I'm a big boy now Chanyeol" I smirked back.

"This is a big boy, this is a squirt" he waved his hand over himself then me. I opened my mouth shocked before hitting him.

"... You talked a lot about yourself but you didn't tell me why you decided to move back here" I diverted my eyes from him.

"It's simple really, I wanna get to see you and dad before I go off to college. Then I'll be too busy to see you guys" he looked at his fingers playing with them. I hadn't even thought of that. He's going off to college soon. And school may be a drag but it goes by fast. Before we know it he's gonna be gone.

"O-oh" I stuttered. I thought my voice was good but I guess not because he looked up at me worried.

"Don't start" he rolled over on his stomach covering his eyes. I laughed loudly at his reaction. It was still the same. He hated when I cried if he saw or heard me crying he would have to leave or he would end up crying too.

"I won't I promise" I giggled softly kicking his back. He slowly peeked out from his hands before pouncing on me.

"I missed you Baek" he hugged me tightly.

"I missed you too" I nuzzled my head into his neck.

"So what do you usually do here all alone" he pulled away?

"Homework or hang out with dad" I shrugged.

"What about when your not home?"

"I just hang out with Sehun, or I'm at my piano lessons" I smiled.

"You stuck with it, I'm so proud of you" he smiled brightly.

"Yeah, I'm gonna try out for the junior symphony next year" I smiled back.

"I know you'll get it... Who's Sehun?"

"Oh he's just my best friend" I bobbed my head.

"I never heard about him before" he pouted.

"I just met him last year in ninth grade" I chuckled.

"What's he like?"

"Cool I guess" I shrugged.

"You don't really talk much do you" he looked me in my eyes? I shook my head no with a small smile.

"That's good you used to talk too much" he stuck his tongue out. I scoffed and threw my pillow at him. He caught it like the natural football player he is and put it under his head.

"Goodnight" he said softly.

"'Night" I said watching him make himself comfortable.


"Come on, I'll drive you to school" Chanyeol threw my bag at me.

"But-" I looked up from my food.

"Come on" he grabbed my collar pulling me. I gave in and let his drag me outside. Then I saw Sehun in his car. Shit.

"That's my friend" I pointed.

"Cool he lives close" he bobbed his head.

"No-yeah but not this close. He usually picks me up" I looked down.

"Just go tell him you're riding with me" he kept walking to his car in the driveway. I sighed and walked over to Sehun.

"Hey, that's my brother, I'm gonna ride with him" I looked down at the seat.

"But I'm-"

"Gotta go, see you at school" I quickly walked off ignoring him.

"All good" Chanyeol asked as I got in?

"All good" I smiled buckling my seatbelt.

"What time do you get out" Chanyeol asked?

"Don't bother" I said quickly getting out of the car. I didn't want Sehun to make it inside of school, I might lose him in the crowd and not get a chance to apologize.

"Wait! What do you mean" he asked with wide eyes?

"I have piano practice it's just a few blocks away" I quickly darted off.

"Sehun" I called out! He looked back at me then kept walking. Rude.

"Sehun" I quickly caught up and grabbed his hand.

"I can't believe you" he scoffed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he was gonna give me a ride."

"First you ignore me last night-"

"I was talking to Chanyeol" I defended.

"Then you ditch me for him, basically ditched me for your hot brother twice" he grumbled. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. He just called my brother hot. He scoffed and started away from me.

"Are you jealous" I chuckled?

"That's completely besides the point" he turned and faced me before continuing to walk. I giggled at his childish way while following behind him into school.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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