Chapter 21. Regroup.

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Chapter 21.


Caderyn flew to Eadberht's study and Lynwood slipped into the window. He was relieved to see Eadberht was sitting and waiting for him.

"I am glad you made it," Eadberht said in a breathless voice. "We only just arrived minutes ago. You can be sure, however, that the king will come here within the hour."

"What are we going to do?" Lynwood questioned. "Where is my father and the prince?"

A slight smile came to Eadberht's face. "I have a secret set of rooms in this castle. The men are all hiding there. I came here to wait for you and show you were to go. We must hurry, however, for you father is quite concerned."

Standing up, Eadbhert went to a cupboard and with some difficulty pushed it away. He tapped a bit on the floor, lifted a floorboard, then pulled a key from his pocket and after a bit of fiddling in the little hole in the floor the wall suddenly moved and proved to be a door to secret passage. Eadberht stepped inside and motioned for Lynwood to followed.

Once inside Eadberht shut the door and they were engulfed in total darkness. Lynwood grunted with annoyance at the fact that there was no torch to light the way.

"There are stairs just ahead of us," Eadberht warned. "So be careful." Together they carefully began descending the narrow stair case, holding on to the wall for some support. Down, down, down they went, nearly tripping a few times but managing to keep from falling over. Lynwood suddenly collided int Eadberht, not realizing the man had stopped.

Voice could be heard somewhere ahead of them.

"So what are we going to do now?" Someone was asking. "Eadberht just left us unexpectedly."

"I don't know what you are planning," Lynwood recognized his father's voice. "But I somehow have to find my son."

Eadberht let out a chuckle and Lynwood heard the snap of a door unlocking. Lynwood heard the door squeak open and they were in a room, lighted with a few torches. The escaped prisoners all sat together in the center of the room.

"Don't worry, Father," he called as he ran out of the dark stairway. "I'm right here."

Lyndon leapt to his feet in shock. "Where...where...where did you come from?" He sputtered.

"From Eadberht's study," Lynwood replied, "Caderyn dropped me off there."


"Caderyn," Eadberht kindly explained. "The dragon."

"The dragon?" Lyndon's eyes widened. "You mean the one who kidnapped him?"

"Oh he didn't kidnap me," Lynwood said. "He was just afraid that I might get hurt. He is very protective of me."

"You know that dragon?" Tristan lifted an eyebrow.

"Sure I do. Sofia and I have been staying with him ever since you were arrested father."

"You were what?" Lyndon wasn't sure if he was hearing correctly.

"I'll explain later," Lynwood stated, feeling very tired and not in the mood to go into all the details. Lyndon walked closer to his son and putting his hand on the boy's shoulder, gazed at him.

Lynwood had lost some weight, he had a tired look in his eyes, and his clothes were threadbare and dirty. It was obvious the boy had had it rough since the time of the arrest.

"What have I put you through?" Lyndon softly whispered.

Lynwood, despite being in public, put his arms around his father. "We have been fine, Father. Safe, and warm, and dry, and looked after by one of the most powerful creatures in the world. We were only worried about you, but you are safe."

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