Chapter 2

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Flora's POV
Swinging open, the large oak door revealed a tall, middle aged man who looked of a high authority. He shot me a welcoming smile and held out his hand.

" Hello there, you must be Florence, I'm Mike Milligan- head care worker at Elm Tree House, nice to meet you."

I shook his hand, looked up, flashed a huge smile and said:
"please, call me Flora, Florence sounds SO old fashioned."

A small laugh escaped his lips and he opened the door wider, beckoning for us to enter. As I stepped into the building, I was met with the sweet smell of chocolate chip cookies, I looked around- trying to locate the source of the luscious aroma, but failed.

" And you must be Mya, Flora's social worker- is it alright if we have a quick chat in the office?" Mike asked, Mya nodded and walked into the room to my right. Turning back to me, he told me that a woman called May-Li was going to show me to my room. Almost as if she had supersonic hearing, a young woman, with beautiful long, black hair entered the room.

"Hiya, I'm May-Li, I'm going to show you to your room- is that okay?"

"I'm Flora, and that would be great, thank you." She smiled and told me to follow her, we ascended up a flight of stairs and turned left, stopping in front of a door. Opening it, she revealed a bare room with chalk white walls and a cream carpet.

"I know it's plain but you can decorate and paint it at a later point."

"It's lovely," I interrupted, "thank you!"

All of a sudden, the door next to mine swung open, a girl who appeared to look slightly younger than me, with long blonde hair stepped out and looked at us. Smiling, she looked to May-Li and asked:
"Who's this?"

"This is Flora, she's new and I expect that you will welcome her. Perhaps you could give her a quick tour?" May- Li responded.

"Of course, I'm Tee. Nice to meet you."

"Flora", I introduced, "thank you for showing me my room May-Li." Tee told me to follow her, so we walked out of the room together and began learning a little more about each other. We were getting on really well, and I think that we are going to be great friends. She told me all about her best friend called Carmen and was taking me to meet her when we bumped into someone in the hall.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry- I didn't look where I was going. I was too busy taking to Tee- I..."

"It's fine", the voice said, "I wasn't paying attention." The person stood up and looked at me. His eyes widened. Tee let out a small chuckle, confusing me.

"Flora," she said," this is my older brother Johnny, he's your age."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled.

Johnny reciprocated the action, appeared to go to say something- but stopped and walked off. Tee started to laugh hysterically.

"Was it something I said?" I questioned, in between chuckles.

"More like, just you." She replied. I pulled a look of confusion so she continued. "You're very pretty you know, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone else had the same reaction." She smiled.

"Thank you Tee, but I'm not so sure," she made a sound almost mocking my answer and continued to walk down the corridor. I wonder what she means...

Flora~ The Dumping Ground Fanfiction❀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora