November 19: ROMANCE

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They think they know shit about cancer
Because they read some romance
Where the girl gets the guy
Then one of them dies
And the other one cries
And it's all wrapped up in a clean little bow
But I want them to know
That cancer isn't a gunshot
It's a slow poison
And they can't see the bad days
They can't see all the ways
It fucks with your mind
As well as your body
When life is all too real
And how hopeless it feels
And how frightened I am
And how it's not a romance movie
And it's not a silly song
When you don't know how long
You have left
How many days, how many breaths
How many minutes I can hold your hand
But somehow they think they understand
How the drugs dance in your blood
And how the soul cries
But dying is never a romance when you see what it does to the eyes

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