New character: Rido Kuran

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How you met:
You were walking through the forest when you ran into a guy with longish reddish brown hair and his right eye blue while his left eye is red. You look at him confused when he smirked. He quickly grabbed you and began to carry you to his castle but before he did he knocked you out leaving you in complete darkness.

Hanging Out:
You wake up in a room super confused. You don't remember ever being in the room. You get up and look around the room until you hear the door open. You look and see the guy you saw in the forest. You begin to shake in fear as you look at him. He smirks making you shake even more.

"What's your name?" He asks you still smirking.

"(Y-Y-Y/N) (L/N)." You say a bit worried that he might kill you.

"My name is Rido." He says walking towards you and grabbing your wrist.

You look at him still in fear. Rido soon began to drag you out of the room and around the castle making you hanging out with him.

Asking Out:
You were sitting in the garden in the grounds of the castle. As you were sitting in the garden, you were reading 'Romeo & Juliet' by William Shakespeare. You continue to read until Rido walks up to you. You sigh and look at him. It has been 5 months since you were brought here by him. He looks at you sits beside you.

"Will you go out with me?" he asks making you shocked.

"Sure." You say in fear but trying not to show it.

Rido nods and then leaves. You just shrug and begin to read again.

Rido just made his Servants make dinner and set up a table in the garden for it. That was your date.

You call him by his name because you don't know how to shorten it.

Rido calls you his Queen because one day you will be his queen.

Your Guys Song:

Something you like about him:
You like how his eyes are two different colors.

His Favorite T.V Show to Watch Alone: The Walking Dead

Your Favorite T.V Show to Watch Alone: Ever After High

The Show you like to watch together: Halloween Wars

Your Favorite Movie: Megamind

His Favorite Movie: Land of the Dead

Favorite Movie to Watch together: Gremlins

Your Name in his Phone: My Queen

His Name in Your Phone: Evil Dude

Happy Halloween:
Rido wouldn't allow you to celebrate it. But he did allow you to watch horror movies on the computer he got you. So that is what you did.

When he catches you play the game you're addicted to:
Your not allowed to play video games since Rido won't allow you sadly.

When he's sick:
He never gets sick which confuses you a lot.  

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