Chapter Twenty Five

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"What do you mean?" I asked "you've done this before" she said. I bit my lip "I never did anything" I whispered "Kara, stop." Ed said "no, Ed don't. I'm just gonna..." I said, walking out the front door, I was ready to punch something. Tears were rolling down my face as I ran out into the street. I don't know why she always wants to put me down.

I went to the only place I could think of...

Ed pov

"What is your problem?" I asked Kara "my problem? You cheated on me!" She yelled "I never cheated on you! It wasn't real!" I said "sure, and I'm supposed to believe that?" She asked. I shook my head "no, you don't have to believe that" I said, grabbing my coat "where are you going?" She asked "to find Mullen" I mumbled, walking out the door.

The cold air hit my face, making my eyes water. I have no idea where she is though. I grabbed my phone and dialled Harry's number

"Hello?" Harry asked

"Hey, hey uh is Mullen at your place?" I asked

"No, why what's going on?" He asked

"Its nothing" I said, walking down the street, looking through all the alleys I passed.

"Ed, what going on?" Harry asked

"I lost her" I said, ashamed

"You what?" He asked

"She ran off, and now I can't find her" I told him

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Harry yelled

"Do you have any idea where she could be?" I asked

"No, Ed I don't" Harry said "you're a dumbass" he said, I heard rustling on the other end, like he was getting ready to leave.

"Where are you? I'm on my way" he said

I looked everywhere for a street sign "uh, 8th street, I'm on the corner." I told him.

"Alright, I'm on my way stay there" he said.

I hung up and looked around, it was dark, the only light was the street lamps. I sighed and leaned up against the wall, I dug in my pocket for a cigarette. I took one out of my pulled one out of the pack and put it between my lips, I lit it, watching the smoke make its way out my mouth. I sighed as Harry's car pulled put next to me "get in!" He yelled, I threw the cigarette out and opened the door, getting in. "Hey" I breathed out "ugh, you smell like smoke" he said. "Well, I'm sorry, I'm stressed" I said "I know, so am I, what even happened?" He asked.

"Kara was saying shit and it got to her, I tried-I didn't know what to do" I said "I know Ed, Kara is the only one who can push her off the edge like she does and she tends to take that for granted" Harry said, looking all over the streets for her. "Where the fuck could she be?!" I yelled. Harry jumped "just calm down" Harry said "I just want to find her!" I whined "so do I Ed, just calm down" Harry said. "I can't, I'm worried" I mumbled.

We looked for hours and still got nothing. "Fuck" I said under my breath. "Where could she be? Would if something seriously happened? What if she's in trouble?" I asked. Harry sighed "she's fine Ed" he said "how do you know that?" I asked "I just do" he whispered. I felt my eyes burn as I looked out the window, the street looked blurry, I blinked, trying to get rid of the tears.

"Hey, we'll find her" Harry said "I know" I said. "I think I have an idea of where she could be" he said, my head shot towards him "where?" I asked "do you remember that rock you took her to?" He asked, I nodded "yeah, you think she could be there?" I asked, he nodded "yeah, probably" he said.


Once we got there I rushed to get out of the car, Harry following. We ran up the hill, at the top I saw her. She was sitting there, looking out over the city. I looked back at Harry, I nodded at him, he nodded back and made his way down the hill, back to his car. I sighed as I walked up to her "Mullen?" I said, softly "how'd you find me?" She asked "Harry did, he knows you well" I said, sitting next to her. "Yeah, he does" she said "what are you doing out here, its freezing- aren't you cold?" I asked, she shook her head. I nodded "I told you" she whispered "told me what?" I asked "we shouldn't be seen together, it only made things worst, for the both of us" she said. I sighed "yeah, maybe you were right, but she had no right to say those things to you" I said, she laughed "she had every right to say that to me" she said "why?" I asked "because, I did kiss you, I fell in love with you, I did all that!" She said.

I nodded "I know, but so did I, your not the only one to blame in this" I said, she shrugged "Its okay, do what you have to to save your relationship" she said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "No" I shook my head, she looked up at me, her glossy eyes shining in the moonlight, making her look flawless. "What do you mean 'no'?" Sh asked "I don't want to save the relationship, its not worth it. We'd just be in pain" I said. She laughed "so what are you going to do? Tell her you're in love with me and call it quits?" She asked, I shrugged "something like that" I said "you've got to be kidding me" she said "I'm not, I'm tired, Mullen. I just want to be with you" he said "well, its not that easy" she said. I scoffed "I know that we've been going through this for almost two months now, it's definitely not easy" I said, she laughed. "Please, just go with me on this one" I said, she bit her lip "fine, I will" she said, I smiled "really?" I asked, just to make sure "really." She said.

"Okay, lets just get out of the cold before my nuts fall off" I said standing up and extending my hand to help her up. "Thanks" she laughed.

We walked down the hill to Harry's car. "Finally, I thought you guys died or something" he said. I shook my head "not quite."

"Where are we going, Haz?" Mullen asked "my place, unless you want to go back there" Harry said, we shook our heads "no, not tonight" I said. Harry nodded, not taking his eyes off the road "that's what I thought" he said.


Mullen pov

I was sitting on the couch with Harry and Louis, Ed was in the arm chair across the room, we were watching some movie on tv. My phone rang, I looked at the screen 'Kara' my eyes widened, I looked over to Ed, he was half asleep in the chair. Then I looked over to Harry and Louis, who were asleep next to me.

"Ed" I whispered, he shot up "what?" He asked, kinda loudly. "Shh, quiet" I said, pointing at Harry and Louis. "Oh, what's up?" He asked, rubbing his eyes in the cutest way. I held my phone up "Kara called me" I whispered, his eyes widened "she what? You?" He asked, still trying to wake up. I stood up and walked over to him, giving him my phone "call her back" I said, he shook his head "no, I don't want to" he said "then what do I do?" I asked "ignore it" he said, grabbing my waist and pulling my onto his lap "she can stay out of our business" he said burying his face in my neck. I laughed "this is kind of her business too, you're her boyfriend" I said, he groaned "oh, yeah. We have to change that" he said. I sighed laying down on him "we can figure this out in the morning, I'm tired" I said. He wrapped his arms a around my waist "ok, get some sleep love" he whispered, I closed me eyes and waited for sleep to take over.

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