The Baby's Coming!

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Hi everyone! I know that not many people read author's notes but if you are I really appreciate it. Thanks so much for reading this! I've had so much fun! This is a short fanfiction told through texts! I hope you've enjoyed it! Comment suggestions!

R: The baby's kicking sooo much today. Ugh. I feel horrible.

D: I'm sorry. Do you think she's coming soon?

R: I don't know. Maybe.

D: It's possible. It would only make her a week early. Dr. Kipling said she might come a week or two early. Should I come home?

R: No. I'm alright. I'm going to take a nap.

D: Sweet dreams!

*Four hours later*

R: Ah! The baby's coming! Mrs. Paulson from next door is driving me. Meet me at the hospital!

D: Oh my god! I'm on my way!

R: I need a distraction. I'm in the car.

D: Rose, it's alright. Just breathe and hang in there I'm going as fast as I can. Traffic is bloody horrific today.

R: Doctor, I'm scared.

D: I promise. Everything will turn out perfectly. I won't let anything happen to either of you.

R: I'm there. You almost here?

D: Five minutes. I've parked on a meter. I'm running the rest of the way. Traffic is too stopped up to drive.

R: Please hurry!

D: I'm here!

R: Room 221b!

D: I'm on my way!

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