|~Chapter Two: Jealousy Dreams~|

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Branch's POV:

"Just admit it, Branch, you love her!" Twig laughed, taking my bed over. I couldn't sleep on her's. She rolled around in my bed, trying to get me to admit I liked Poppy...Wh--Which I don't! I tugged at the blanket she was resting on.
Pulling intensely I said, "NO! Get off my bed!" She continued rolling around, resulting in my tugging a loss cause. I let go, thundering to a platform that stuck out from our Bunker. I let myself drop down on it, curling up into a little ball. I sighed. I'll sleep out here then. I stuffed my face into my legs, attempting to escape my worries and problems.
I lifted my eyes to see two Trolls sitting on a branch. They seemed familiar. I squinted at them. Poppy and Creek! What are they doing here? The party isn't until three days. Curious... I began to see Poppy leaning towards Creek romantically. What? He said something that made Poppy blush. What were they doing? Questions raced through my head like blowing wind: in and out, in and out.
Moments went by, and Creek handed Poppy a beautiful rainbow rose. Wait a minute...Their...No. It can't be! I made a sort of snarling sound. I SO GONNA-- Wait! Hang on a sec, Branch. You don't like Poppy...Why should you care? I tried to hold my anger inside, but it was useless. I grunted, standing up and crossing my arms.
     "I know you like her," Out of nowhere, Twig stood right beside me as she nudged me. I stayed silent. "You don't have to tell me. And I won't tell anyone." I twirled around and quietly slid across the floor of our Bunker to my bed. I crawled up into it and wrapped myself in the blanket, facing the wall. My sister laid in her bed below me. She stared up at the bottom of my bed, feeling rather worried. Or, I didn't know how she felt.
     I closed my eyes softly. Off I went, into my 'dead dreams'. After a few seconds, I saw Poppy. She was smiling at me. She had her arms open wide, running towards me. I smiled for once. I was an inch away from her, when she ran right past me...And into Creek's arms. My head turned as I saw her go to him. It seemed as if she ran right through me, like I was a ghost. Poppy seemed so happy with Creek, happier than she's ever been with me at least. Everything froze except me. I melted to the ground. Everything lost it's colors. A single tear ran down my face. "I'm so sorry, Poppy..."

{ Poppy x Branch } Smile: Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now