[Scene Twelve]

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After getting extremely drunk with Ozzy and passing out in the early hours of the morning- empty cartons of junk food surrounding me- I dragged my heavy body from the bed and attempted to wake up. Although filming wasn't resuming for another few days, there was plenty to do and I knew that I was needed.

It didn't take long for me to get ready; simply tugging on some Nike sweatpants and a cropped t-shirt, not bothering to do my hair or makeup. A headache was pulling at my temples, and I wasn't in the mood for making myself look pretty.

I shoved two aspirin down my throat before leaving, running down into the lobby and scanning around for a crew member to drive me.

People clustered around the edge of the room but I didn't recognise a single one of them, and I wasn't particularly keen to hitch a ride with a stranger.

Then the elevator opened with a ping, and Diego walked in, striding over to me with a smile on his face. In his hands dangled a pair of keys, and he lifted them up as if to say, 'hey look!'

"How'd you know?" I asked with a grin. His eyebrow quirked in confusion.

"Know what?" He replied.

"That I'm in desperate need of a ride."

"I didn't." His mouth spread to a wide, cheeky smile. "Dad's lending me his expensive Porsche while we're visiting. I was coming over to brag."

"He's letting you drive it?" I said, outraged. "He said to me he'd let me drive it over his dead body."

"Guess he thinks I'm more reliable." He shrugged, that telltale smile pulling up one edge of his mouth.

"Oh shut up." I punched his arm. "And give me a ride."

"No way! I'm busy."

"Doing what?" I raised an eyebrow. "Visiting the local museums?"

"No." He scoffed, but I knew him well enough to tell he was lying.

"I'll give you a tour of the set if you drive me." I said and he rolled his eyes, but I could see he was leaning towards giving in. "I might even get you a picture with Harry Styles."



"So here's the cafeteria, my favourite place of all. Coffee's awful but the hot chocolate is surprisingly good." I hooked my arm through Diego's and squeezed it. I'd been so buried under the stress of work and Harry that I'd almost forgotten how much I missed his comforting presence.

"Hi Doris!" I waved an arm at the warm, rounded lady who cheerfully returned my greeting, her rosy cheeks dimpling as she did so.

"Here for the usual India?" She was already gravitating towards the hot chocolate machine, her fingers hovering over the button.

"Yes please, but can we get one extra, minus the cream?" I looked at Diego who gave me a grateful smile, thankful I'd remembered his hatred of the white, whipped sauce.

She obliged, sliding two steaming cups over to us and we left with burnt tongues but full stomachs. Next on the list was to find Dad, and berate him for lending Diego the car while refusing to do the same for me.

The set was a lot easier to walk around now that it wasn't situated on a cold French beach, however, the cafeteria was quite a walk away from Dad's office.

The conversation flowed easily between us as we caught up on the past few weeks I'd been away. He had gotten his exam results- of course, he'd gotten straight A's and although Diego seemed nervous, I knew that he would get into any university he chose.

"What about you?" He said, hooking his arm through mine. "Any exciting things happening on set?"

"Not much." I lied through my teeth. Ozzy was the only one who knew about my, indiscretions, with Harry. "But I've been having a lot of fun- I think I've finally found what I want to do with my life."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" He asked, a smile edging at the corner of his lips. He didn't believe that I could stick at one thing; I had always flitted between places like a lost butterfly.

"A cinematographer." I said, elbowing him right between the ribs where I knew he was sensitive.

"Ouch." He winced. "Actually sounds like something you'd be good at. Remember those home movies you used to make?"

"Yeah." I laughed. "You were the worst actor ever."

"Talking about actors- here comes one." He said, jerking his head towards an oncoming Harry. As soon as my eyes met Harry's I could practically feel a barrier being raised to protect me from those painful feelings I felt near him.

Harry quickly darted his eyes away and looked as if to move past us, like he wasn't even going to acknowledge us.

"Hi Harry." I said, stepping slightly into his path so he was forced to notice me. His eyes drifted to rest on me, boring into my skull with no emotion present at all.

"India." He said, his words clipped. My forehead creased in confusion.

His gaze strayed to Diego, moving up and down his body with a judgemental and spite-filled flick. I'd never seen such malice in Harry's normally peaceful and kind eyes.

Was he jealous?

"This is my brother, Diego." I said slowly, emphasising each word slowly to make sure he understood. I could see the change in Harry's face; his muscles relaxed, his mouth curved upwards and once again his eyes were filled with life.

"Nice to meet you." Harry said, shaking Diego's hand. Something still wasn't quite right between us, but I shook it off.

Diego looked a little starstruck, staring down at their hands like he couldn't quite believe what was happening. I urged him silently to say something and to stop looking like a terrified ten year old.

"Uh- nice to meet y-you too." Diego managed to choke out.

"Well, I've got to go see Christopher but I'll see you later." He said.

"Bye." I said as he walked away.

"Hmph." I crossed my arms over my chest once Harry was out of sight. "Something's not right with him."

"He did seem a little rude, at least at first." Diego said.

"Yeah, I know. It's unlike him to be like that." I replied.

"Also." He turned to me and copied my posture, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows.


"When were you going to tell me that you were totally into Harry Styles?"


Hopefully, this chapter allowed you to get to know Diego and India's relationship with him. Also, sorry it's a wee bit short!

So sorry I haven't uploaded in such a long time, but I got stuck in a rut with this story. However, I've now got some new ideas and I'm hoping to regain a better upload schedule

love to all those who press the vote button,

-eden x

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