8: Internet Boyfriend

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"You must really like him."

"Yeah, kind of. It's just hard because we've never really spent any real time together since we live so far away and my parents weren't ones to travel so we never really got the chance. He has tried saving up money and stuff, but with him, he has never really held onto the idea of a job other than YouTube or an ice cream shop."

"Yeah. Have you told Michael," I sit next to Payson on the floor, never taking my eyes off of her. Payson's hair falls from her face like a curtain and I put it back behind her ear, caressing her cheek out of impulse. She looks up at me and smiles. I notice that there is a small grey ring around the brown in her eyes.

"No," she finally says and her expression goes from nervously happy to shy.

I pull my hand back and continue, "You should."

"Well, he said I can't do anything until my foot heals so maybe I'll tell him after that."

"OK," I smile and suddenly stand up. "How about we go sweater shopping tomorrow morning and you can pick out a brand new sweater. My treat!"

"No. I don't think so. I don't want to be too much trouble."

"Come on! You're in LA and you haven't even really been shopping! Let's do it!"

"Oh, OK," Payson finally gives in and I help her off the floor. "This is kind of the first time he's seen me and it isn't dark."

"Yay! Excitement," I cheer and jump up and down like a little child.

"Now I need to hang up all these clothes," Payson groans and I pout again.

"How about this? You sit on the bed and put the sweaters on the hanger and I'll hang them up for you because of your leg," I smile and start piling some sweaters on the bed along with hangers. We get to work on the small assembly line and we work well together. After about the fifth shirt, I had to turn on some music.

I’ll keep you my dirty little secret.

Don’t tell anyone or you’ll be just another regret

My dirty little secret

Who has to know?

When we live such fragile lives

It’s the best way we survive

I go around a time or two

Just to waste my time with you.

"Who is this? It doesn’t sound like the original," I laugh from the closet.

"Hey! This is one of my all-time favourite cover artists! It’s Patty Walters."

"Really? I’ve never heard of him.”

“He’s not that popular but I love him.”

“He’s pretty good, and such a great song too,” I point out.

“Yeah,” Payson trails off and we continue putting away the tops. I constantly question her choice in buying certain ones, but awe at others. We finish putting them all away and Michael comes up with a tray of chocolate chip cookies.

"Did you actually make these," I ask Michael as I take a bite out of one and hand another to Payson.

"No. Someone dropped them off. Probably an awesome fan," Michael explains, turning around to leave.

"No. Leave those here," Payson mumbles with cookie in her mouth.

"I'll bring a plate up for guys and some ice cream. How about that?"

"Ooh! Yay! Thanks Mikey!" Michael leaves and I get up on the bed and start jumping, spilling crumbs everywhere.

"Ash, you're going to have to clean this mess up."

"Well then," I start, taking one last bite of my cookie, "we will just have to do this!" I jump off the bed and slide the blanket off, causing Payson to fall on the floor with an "umph!"

"Oh! I'm sorry," I start laughing as she pouts. I laugh harder and throw the blanket over her, tickling her sides. "Ooh! You're ticklish!"

"No! No! Ash! Stop! Ashton Fletcher Irwin," she shouts and I stop, looking at her with wide eyes. She has pulled the blanket around her body in defense. "What?"

"You know my full name?"

"Well you are kind of famous, you know."

"You looked me up?"

"Just forget it ok?!" I laugh so hard I fall on the floor and Payson blushes.

"Shut up," Payson shouts and covers her face with the blanket.

"Aww. Come on. Don't do that," I protest trying to pry the blanket away from her face.

"No! Just let me be a burrito of sadness," Payson shouts from inside her covering and I laugh at the odd comment.

"How about we forget it and we can be a burrito of happiness together?"

"What does that mean," Payson asks and we notice Michael laughing at the doorway with two bowls in his hands.

"I brought your ice cream," he says, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yay," Payson shouts, throwing her arms up in the air. Payson and I laugh and I grab our bowls from Michael who just rolls his eyes.

"I thought you were going to bed, Ash," Michael asks.

"Yeah, but Payson was going crazy. There was literally a mountain of sweaters like everywhere," I gesture to the whole room as Payson smiles, eating her ice cream.

Michael chuckles and leaves the room, shouting, "Well us normal people are going to bed soon! Good night and keep the noise down!"

"Night," Payson giggles and leans her head on my shoulder, taking another spoonful of ice cream.

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