“Yeah sure, thanks Harry. I’ll see you boys in the morning then.” His eyes never left mine as he spoke. I fell back onto the bed, rolling over so my face was squished against the pillow. I closed my eyes and listened to the shuffling of feet, the soft mumble of ‘good night’, someone flushing a toilet and then finally silence. I shifted my body back over so I was lying on my back. I glanced around the room, I was alone. Most likely only for a minute before my half naked best friend returned. I sat up and pulled my shirt over my head, throwing it onto the floor and laying back down to pull the blankets up so they were covering my shoulders.

A minute passed before Harry was standing at the edge of the bed, left over slice of pizza in hand. I knew he would be hungry later. He can be such a child.

“You didn’t have to give Liam your bed you know.” I spoke without looking at him, afraid that if I dared, I wouldn’t be able to keep my eyes from trailing from his face.

“I know.” He flicked the light switch, my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could make out his long figure pulling back the blankets and sliding into bed next to me. The bed immediately became warmer and I felt his arm lightly brush against my bare hip. I gulped, feeling the goosebumps creep up on my skin. In all honesty, all I wanted to do was hug his warm body close to mine. Or at least lie close to him, our legs touching and my head slightly leaning on him, just like any other time we’d sleep together. Just like any other time without feelings, without being scared to death of him finding out just how unsteady my breathing is right now just from one little touch. I know this isn’t normal. I’ve worked that much out. I miss normal. When could be alone with him and not have to hide the fact that my heart is racing and my stomach is under butterfly ambush. Or when I didn’t have to worry about saying his name in my sleep. I’m actually praying, which is something I never do, that those dreams stay away tonight. I definitely do not need a replay of this morning, despite how amazing his lips felt on mine… it was wrong. So instead, I distance myself. Deciding it’s probably for the better, I stay on my side of the bed and he stays on his. Hopefully, this will be a peaceful night. Good plan.

I felt Harry’s skinny arm snake up around my waist. Yeah as if, since when have any of my plans worked. Everything I say that I hope isn’t going to happen, does happen. Ha, maybe…

I hope Harry doesn’t get up and leave the room so I can have a decent nights rest without creepy vivid dreams destroying my brain.

Everything was still for a moment. Waiting… waiting… wai-


Yeah nice try Louis. I’m giving myself some credit for that one, was worth try.

“Yes Curly?” I spoke staring up into the darkness, sighing gratefully that he couldn’t see my cheeks flush as I felt his breath on my neck. The warmth that his body gave off was insane; I could feel the heat passing through my skin from where his arm laid across my stomach. No wonder the boy never wore clothes to bed. I kicked the blankets off my feet, feeling my kegs burn in my pyjamas. Would it be weird if I just leaned forward and slipped them off? Nah, I don’t reckon. After all, Harry was already without pants. I pushed his arm off me and tugged at the top of my Hollister pants.

“What are you doing?” Harry smirked.

Once I was free from the thick layer of material hugging my legs, I threw them off the bed and onto the floor.

“Your body’s too hot…” I paused, hearing Harry’s loud laughter fill the room and realising that what I’d just said definitely did not come out sounding the way I had planned. I whacked him on the chest, only making him roll around in laughter even more. I covered my face in embarrassment, despite the fact that it was dark and he obviously couldn’t see me.

When He Smiles - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now