4: Beep, Beep. Tick, Tock.

Mulai dari awal

"It is difficult seeing you in the hospital again. Doesn't bring back good memories, does it," he laughs to himself. "I know it's only a broken leg, but it still seems like a lot to me. You know I love you." Her fingers tighten around my hand.

"I love you too," she smiles. "Now, get me out of here." I laugh and wipe the tear off my cheek.

I lean over, place a kiss on her cheek, and say, "I will, but I wanna see a cool colour on that leg of yours."

She laughs and asks, "What colour should I get?"

"Bright pink," I laugh.


"So, you up to visitors? Violet's waiting."

"Yeah! Bring that girl in, Clifforconda!" I laugh and go out. I'm glad Payson can still be positive.

Payson's PoV:

 Violet is instantly replaced in the room after Michael leaves. It was so lovely of him to be here. Violet is messing with a deep red beanie and slips it over her messy hair, nervously.

"You alright, Vi," I ask, concerned.

"Yeah. Hospitals just bring back such bad memories. Especially when you're in the bed," she says, now having the courage to look me in the eyes. She takes a seat and fiddles with her fingers.

"Don't worry. I'm fine and it is just a broken leg. Nothing serious."

"I know. I have to go back home tomorrow."

"What? I thought you said you were staying for the week?"

"My mom found out I am here without me telling her and--"

"You left for the States without telling your parents! I mean, I knew you were crazy, but not that crazy!!"

"Pay! Listen!"

"Don't call me that."

Violet laughs and says, "Look, it was fun while it lasted, right?"

"Violet, you can't just go around doing stuff like that."

"Payson! I did it because my mother was trying to send me to uni. Now."

"Well, good! You can get a bit ahead of me."

"No, not Norwest. A boarding school in Queensland."


"I didn't want to go without seeing you first, but now I really have to go. My plane leaves tomorrow."

"Will I ever see you again?"

"Maybe if they give us a summer. I really don't know. But I do know I won't have my phone so I will write you. I know, dorky, but it is the only way."

"I guess it's my turn to be isolated, huh?"

"No! You won't be isolated."

"Thanks. Can I tell you a secret?"

"Yeah! Anything!"

I whisper in Violet's ear and she immediately cheers up.

"Well at least there is a bit of good news around here," Violet smiles. "I'll see you later. Who do you want me to send in?"

"Ashton please," I smile and blush.

"Ok, you," Violet laughs. "See you when you get out." She gives me one last smile and is soon replaced by a jumpy Ashton.

"Do you know how long we have been waiting out here," he says, jumping around the room like a bunny. Literally.

"Sorry. Vi and I get to talking and you know, since I am in a hospital. I think I am entitled to a few minutes alone with my best friend. Now, would you stop jumping around and sit down so I can talk to my other best friend?"

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