Before The Storm

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Three months later


After I came back from my dad's house, I returned to the Cullen's, where I practically lived now. It wasn't so bad, living with vampires. Being around them did make me stink but the more I was around them, the more I started to get use to the smell.

Bella had trained every day for the past two months, never quitting or standing down from a good fight. Edward was constantly at hers, or Renesmee's side and that just annoyed me. And I started to notice that Bella was getting a little annoyed as well, and quickly set rules for him to follow. First, no pushing her away from me. Two, try to stop being so over protective of her. Three, let her have her space when she needed it. And that was it, he stuck to the rules. For about.... Two to three weeks then went straight back to over protective, psycho path that was trying to control her life. Well, that was how I saw him at least.

Renesmee grew a lot, every day and we had fun all the time. She could be a handful sometimes. But every minute we spent together was great... Except the creepy fact that I couldn't stop thinking about her mom.

I mean, I thought I imprinted on Renesmee.. Everyone did. But it was the strong connection she had with her mom. But I still forced myself to feel as if I had imprinted on Renesmee. It was the only way to feel some kind of happiness.

Well, I was happy because I still got to see Bella and my life was finally back to the way it was before. But seeing Bella with that cold, heartless leech made me angry, and sick. Because I knew for sure that she belonged to me. No... She belonged WITH me.

"Jake?" A soft, sweet voice asked.

I waited to answer just to make sure I wasn't imagining things again.

"Yeah?" I said with a sigh as Renesmee jumped in my lap and wrapped her small arms around my neck.
It was amazing how much she looked like Bella. But I could always see Edward in her, too.

"What are you doing Jakey?" She asked sweetly, smiling at me.

"Nothing, Nessie. Just trying to sleep."

"In the middle of the day? It's time to get ups!!!" Renesmee screamed, starting to bounce.
I almost laughed at how loud she was being, and I knew for sure that I was not going to get to take a nap.

"Renesmee... Why don't you let Jacob sleep?" Bella stood at the door, smiling like she had won a million dollars. But I knew, without a doubt something was wrong.

"Nah, it's okay, Bells. She's alright." I stood up and put Nessie down on her feet, then watched as she ran out of the room screaming "Daddy!!!".

"Yeah, daddy is back." Bella whispered to herself, looking down.


"What?" She looked up at me through her eyelashes and that nearly made my knees go week.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to figure it out on my own?" I raised a brow as Bella suddenly turned around and started walking out of the room.

"We'll talk about it later"

"Why can't we talk about it now?" I grabbed her arm gently, turning her around to face me.

"Because. Edward could hear" She mouthed, looking over her shoulder, then whispered "I don't want him to start doubting my love for him again."


"Why would he doubt that you love him? He still doesn't trust you, does he? Where the hell is he anyway?! Me and him need to talk" His voice seemed to be getting louder and louder the more he thought about Edward not trusting me, and I was afraid everyone would hear so I covered his mouth with my hand and prayed he would stop talking about this.

He huffed against my hand and removed it from his mouth.

"Bells before yo-"

"Jake stop." I interrupted him, waving my hands in front of his face. "I don't want to talk about it."

"You never want to talk about anything." He whined and I could tell he was trying not to laugh. "Let's go take a walk, alright? We're talking about this and there's no way around it."

"Fine." I mumbled under my breath, walking towards the door.

"Where are you two going? Out for lunch?" Esme asked, fluffing the pillows on the couch.

"Just goin' out for a walk." Jake said with a grin, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Oh. Well you two be careful." Esme gave a bright smile and continued straightening up the living room

I gave her a small smile and headed out the door in front of Jacob. We walked for what seemed like a long time before he finally stopped behind me and sighed.

"What is it Jake?" I moved to stand directly in front of him, never moving my eyes from his.

"You know what it is." He said simply, as he shrugged his shoulders. He was right.. I did know. But I didn't want to say I did.
"Bella, if you're not happy then you need to tell him. He is your husband after all." His voice broke a little at the end and I didn't know why he had that hurt look in his eyes.

"I am happy." I argued and crossed my arms. "You just don't get it."

"Yes I do. I know something's wrong that you're not telling him. You need t-"

"I'm fine!" I interrupted, starting to get mad now. This was ridiculous. I couldn't believe he thought I was unhappy. I mean of course, there were ups and downs but I was happy with my life..... Wasn't I?

"You're not fine Bella! You can lie to your leech, but you can't lie to me! You can lie to everyone else, fool them into thinking you're happy.. But not me. I see right through your shit! Whether you like it or not." Jacob then took a step forward and looked directly in my eyes, taking my hands into his. "I know you better than you think.." He whispered and I could feel his hot breath brush against my face.

"I'm happy.." I mumbled, not even sure if he understood me.

"Only with me around, it seems." He leaned in closer placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Jake, don-"

"I'm not doing anything wrong." Jacob said softly, still looking me in the eyes. "We're going back to the house and you're telling him how you feel. And you better be honest. I'll be listening." He let go of my hands before I could argue and started walking back towards the house. I sighed loudly and followed him, knowing I wouldn't win.

We slowly made our way back to the house and I went straight upstairs to mine and Edward's bedroom.

"Hello love" Edward greeted me pleasantly by giving me a quick kiss on the lips.


"What's wrong?" Edward looked into my eyes, a light frown forming on his lips.

"A lot. We need to talk." I moved and sat on the end of the bed, putting my hands on my knees, and started talking before he made some excuse so we wouldn't have to talk.
"Edward, you know I love you... You know I'd do anything for you. And you know I love being here. But.. I'm confused on how I feel about all this. Moving into our own place with Renesmee, starting our forever.. That sounds great. But with all that I lose a very special person in my life"

"Jacob..." Edward whispered. He knew? Of course he knew, what was I thinking?

"Yes. I can't be without him-

"You knew you could only have one of us, Bella. You knew that." It sounded like he was begging now, begging me to stay even though I never said anything about leaving him or Renesmee. But he knew what was coming...

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