Lidia Chapter 3

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            This day has gone down to the dumps, Shawn’s mom who is like a mother to me died right before my eyes. It was an eye opener to me, personally. I think the world is ending as we speak; everything going on is just so bizarre and messed up. I’m just so confused!

            Talk about that Crow guy, he seems to be incredibly creepy. And his wife is the complete opposite of him; she’s so beautiful and elegant. I don’t know why she helped kidnap us. During the kidnapping, when Crow ordered her to do something he called her by the name of Doe. Are all our capturers named after the names of animals?

            I’ve lived my life with nobody to care for me, I have no parents they both vanished a long time ago and I was left at an orphanage when I was just a baby. Sometimes I’m not sure why Shawn is even attracted to me, I’m thin, pale, and flat. My glimmering brown hair is my only asset; it’s the only part of me that I feel comfortable with.

            Now I’m on this truck and just told Shawn that I’m going to go and talk to Kenyon, a boy that is chained up and pretty scary. I’m usually good at cheering people up, hopefully that will work here. If we’re going to get off this truck and go back home we need to work together. Am I the only one that sees that? Everybody else is really just sitting around depressed and really beat down. I may be the only one who doesn’t have any family I’m away from, but I still think there should be a bit more people actually trying to get out of here!

             I edged out of my spot next to Shawn and sort of made my way to the end of the truck where the boy was. “Kenyon.” I whispered.

            “Who goes there?” he asked.

            “You don’t know me, but my name is Lidia. Where are you?” I asked.

            “I’m right over here. What do you want?” he growled.

            “You do know you’re not the only one on this truck that was stolen away from their family? I just wanted to see if your okay, how old are you?”

            “14, I’ll turn 15 in September; next month. Sit down.”

            I then tried to take a seat nearest to the voice, I don’t think I was anywhere near him but it didn’t matter I could still talk to him. “So…where did you come from?” I asked.

            "I don't parents never told me. All my life we've had to keep moving, we had to run away from the vampires." Kenyon said darkly.

            All the whispers  and chit-chat in the truck stopped instantly and everybody paid attention to Kenyon.  "What? Ya'll don't know about them yet?" Kenyon asked. I shook my head no as the realization punched me in the face. My jaw dropped and the facts spilled out.

            "Vampires aren't real..." I murmured, trying to make myself believe it. Then I remembered Crow's pale as snow face and the ice cold feeling I received when Doe touched me.

            "Oh yes they are, and that's not all that's real. Have you heard about werewolves before?" He questioned me.

            "Yes, but they're just folktales. Right?" I raised my eyebrow.

            Kenyon laughed and smiled, "You guys are so naive. I'm a werewolf, I'm the prince of the my pack. My mother and father are the king and queen, I'm the heir to their thrown. Vampires and Werewolves are known enemies. They have been for centuries, they've been hunting us down for ages. Crow is the leader of the hunters, Doe follows him around like a lost puppy. Today he finally captured his most prized victim, me." Kenyon gave me an evil grin.

            "No! That can't be! Vampires and Werewolves aren't real! They can't be!" I yelled, the truck was silent.

            "Don't believe me, but when Crow manages to bite into your tasty skin to suck your blood. Don't say I didn't warn you." Kenyon predicted and then turned away from me.

            "Is there anything else out there...? Why'd Crow capture us?" I asked.

            "The immortals are tired of being kept secret, the time is coming that they're going to show themselves for once. Immortals will rule the world and the humans will just be a hushed folktale. I'd be afraid if I were you, I don't know what Crow is going to do to you but it's going to be either turning you into one of them or feeding you to his coven. Oh and there's more out there than werewolves and vampires. Much more..." Kenyon chuckled darkly.

            "Will you help us then? Help us escape? I don't want to die." I said as a tear flowed down my face.

            "Sure, I'd be open to that idea. Remember, I'm chained up too. Crow has me wrapped around his finger. It'll be nearly impossible to escape Crow's wrath. Some of you will die, some will live but mostly ya'll will die." He warned me.

            "I'd like to take that chance..."

            "Do you trust me, Lidia?"

            "Yes... I trust you. Get me out of here and I'll give you anything you want."

            "I want freedom."

            " too." I said and turned away from the werewolf. I may of edged away from him, he's a werewolf dude! A terrifying freak of nature in a way... he's also charming and scared. I felt bad for him... I rushed back over to Shawn instantly.

            "Did you hear anything we talked about?" I asked.

            "I think everybody did, this truck echoes. We have to get out of here, and Kenyon is our only way out. It's obvious." Shawn urged.

            "Dude this whole thing is just too surreal. Forget about Kenyon for a second, we need to get out of here. Just you and me. We need to get back to our old life. Remember your sister here? Let's forget about this fake folklore nonsense, and go find her. Please! Talking about vampires and werewolves are freaking me out!" I literally begged Shawn.

            "Lidia, face the facts. Trusting Kenyon is our only choice, and that's final. No more talk about leaving. I believe we're here for a reason and I'm going to find out why." Shawn demanded.

After a week of being locked in the truck, 7 more kids were kidnapped. Crow begins to head back toward to their final destination, which is a training station for new vampires. Their story doesn't stop there, the rebellion is on the rise. Beware Crow.


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