Shawn Chapter 2

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            One of Crow’s ugly minions tied my hands together and tossed my in the back of a huge truck. My last glimpse of light for a whole week was a vision of Crow looking at me, “Don’t play any tricks on me, or I will personally rip out your throat with my bare hands.” Crow hissed and the door to the truck slammed shut.

            “Lidia! Are you in here?” I yelled.

            “I’m over her Shawn. Help me!” Lidia’s sweet voice echoed throughout the truck. I crawled on my knees over to her. Once I felt her cold hands I knew it was her, she placed herself on my lap and cuddled up next to my chest. “What are we doing here?” she asked.

            “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out how we’re going to get out of here. I’m positive of that.” I replied.

            “Yeah whatever, you’re going to be able to escape. I’ve been here for 4 days; they only feed us twice a day. I don’t know where we’re going but we’re not getting out anytime soon. I can tell you that for sure.” A voice echoed through the darkness.

            “Who’s talking?” I asked.

            “My name is Cady; I’m here with my best friend Kole.” Cady responded.

            “I’m Shawn and my girlfriend is right next to me, her name is Lidia.” I said. “Are you sure there’s not a way out?” I asked.

            “If we try to get out, Crow will come back and whip every last one of us. Elliot over there managed to get the worst of it. You can’t see him but he’s all gashed up and covered in blood. We’re betting on when he’s going to die.” Cady sighed.

            “I betted five more days.” A weak voice in the corner said with a small laugh escaping his lips.

            I wanted to laugh but I couldn’t make the sound come out, the same picture of my mom lying there dead just kept popping into my head over and over again. That’s when the tears began to stream down my face. I couldn’t help but sob, Lidia placed her head on my shoulder and cried as well. It was like that for two hours; well it felt like two hours. I couldn’t actually look at my watch.

            Thinking just made the tears flow faster; I’m used to over thinking things. But there was nothing to over think. A strange man came into my apartment killed my mom and kidnapped myself and also my girlfriend. It was just so freaking bizarre, I had nothing to say. I ran the thought through my mind over and over again. Could somebody have hired him to kidnap me? I don’t think I have any enemies that would want to kill my mom and take my girlfriend. Then the idea struck me on the head like a shovel. Did this have anything to do with Amelia’s disappearance?

            What if Crow was also Amelia’s kidnapper? What if I was going to the same place where she’s already at? What if… I could go on for days labeling the possible scenarios in my head. All I can determine is that I have a feeling this is related to Amelia. I just have to figure out why…

            “How many kids are on this bus?” I asked.

            “I’ve been on here the whole time; Kole and I were the first ones on here. And counting you guys, it would be nine.” Cady informed me.

5 hours later…

            Another prisoner boarded the truck…

When the door opened and Crow’s crooked face appeared with the prisoner chained up and covered with bruises. The prisoner looked really young; he looked around 14 or 15 years old. Crow plucked him up and threw him up in the truck. “CROW, my mother and father will find me and kill you!” the boy yelled.

“Whatever young Kenyon, your father is injured and you mother left you. You will never escape my prison. Have a grand night.” Crow cackled and slammed the door closed. And again the light was shut off and it was once again pitch black.

“NO!” Kenyon stood up and banged on the doors and the side of the truck. I’ve never heard a boy his age scream like that it seemed more like a roar than a scream. “DAD! MOM! HELP!!” he yelled and then he fell on his knees and began to cry.

I felt bad for him, I don’t why Crow wanted any of us especially a young boy like Kenyon. I felt like I needed to say something, but I had nothing to say. Lidia nudged on my shoulder and I could feel her eyes looking up at me. “Should we do something about him?” she asked.

“Possibly, just wait till he cools down a bit. All of the kids on this truck have been through the same thing. I wonder why this is chained up though, everybody else is in rope.” I explained to her.

“Alright, I’m going to go over there and ask him where he’s from though.” Lidia said.

“Be careful.” I added in and gave her a kiss on the lips.

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