When I got out, I grabbed my dirty clothes and walked to the bus. Surprisingly it was quiet inside, all the guys were silently doing their own thing, even Jack. Instantly I felt bad, everyone was doing this because of me. I was stopping everyone from having a good time because I was being a jackass. "Guys, I'm sorry for snapping at you, I'm just not having a good day." I told them all before walking to my bunk and laying down. I looked down at my phone and saw I had a bunch of texts and missed calls from numbers I didn't know and my phone was still ringing like crazy. I was shocked but I answered the phone. "Who's this?" I asked and I heard squeals. Instantly my stomach sunk, my number got leaked. "How did you get this number?" I asked and I heard more squeals before I hung up. My phone continued to go crazy and I ran back into the front.

"Matt. We have a problem." I said, holding my phone up. He looked up from his laptop and then groaned. "I'm gonna kill the fucker who decided to give out your number! Didn't I tell you to be more careful about who you give your number to Alex?" he said before taking it from my hand. I nodded, "I don't, I don't even know who would do that who I gave my number to recently to be honest." I said frowning. "Alex, you're gonna wanna see this." I heard Jack say softly. I looked over at his laptop screen and then I just wanted to yank my hair out. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted, instantly furious.

*Leah's POV*

"Chase, what the fuck?" I asked, quickly running over to all the boxes that contained my stuff. "Look Leah, you fucking nasty slut, we're over." he said, his voice icy and low. The words cut like a knife and I was surprised at the tone and the words. What had I done to deserve that from him? "What? Chase, what is your issue?" I said going to grab a box and drag it back to the bedroom but he yanked it out of my grip. "I mean, you're a slut, we're over and you're getting out of my house." he said, saying it slowly like I couldn't understand what he said unless he took it slow. "Wait, how the fuck am I a slut? And this isn't just your house, it's mine too, I pay half of everything!" I said, trying to get the box out of his hands but he wouldn't let go.

"No, no, my name is on the lease, not yours so it's mine and I want you out so fucking leave!" he shouted at me and I was instantly furious. "I still don't get why you're fucking kicking me out!" I said, crossing my arms over my chest as he threw the box of my stuff on the ground. Everything that was in it spilled out and I bent over, trying to pick everything up and put it back in. "Because Leah, you're a slut and a liar. Hannah called and told me everything! About how you fucked your ex boyfriend, how you kissed him, how you've been talking to him again. Well if he wants you then he can have you. You're a dirty whore anyways." he said before starting to pick up my boxes of stuff and throw them out of the apartment and into the hallway.

"Chase! Stop! Stop it!" I shrieked, trying to grab his arm so he would stop. He pulled away from me. " Don't fucking touch me. I'm giving you only 20 minutes to get all of your crap out of my house and for you to get out of my life forever." he said before going into the kitchen. I ran into the bedroom and I went into my closet. I had gotten lucky, he hadn't destroyed anything of mine that was left there. I pulled out my suitcase and started stuffing all of my remaining clothes into it. I reached on the top shelves and grabbed my box of pictures and little trinkets I had collected over the years. Once I made sure I had everything in the closet I went into the bathroom and saw he had already gotten rid of all my stuff. I checked my drawers and saw they were already empty. I dragged everything out of the room and down the hallway, stopping for a moment to catch my breath. I hadn't realized how much crap I owned.

I slowly brought everything down the stairs and into my car and then I went back upstairs, needing to say one last final thing to Chase. I walked into the kitchen and I fought back tears. I needed to say something to him and I didn't want to seem like a complete and total cry baby. "Chase, you're a fucking douche bag hypocrite. I've caught you seven times cheating on me and I stayed with you despite that and then you dump me because I make one drunken mistake. Wait, never mind, Alex isn't and never will be a mistake. But you know what? I'm glad you dumped me because now I'll be happier without you. Maybe I can be with a real man like Alex without you holding me back. Have fun trying to find another girl that will put up with your shit and take care of you like I did." I said before walking out and slamming the door behind me. When I got into my car I burst into tears and leaned my head against the steering wheel. What I was going to do now? I had nowhere to live, I hadn't really saved that much money. I cursed myself for buying all that stuff I didn't need but I thought I could blow the money so it didn't matter at the time. I didn't even come close to having enough to pay for an apartment and all the utilities by myself. More tears came to my eyes and I cried for losing Chase, for losing my apartment, for being stabbed in my back by someone who I thought I could trust and was supposed to be my best friend. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know where to go. I pulled out my cell phone and went through it, trying to find someone I could stay with but I could only find one person. I didn't want to stay with them but I didn't have a choice. I sighed and looked down at the name in my phone.

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