Magi Chapter 13

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Hayako answered the phone.

"Shirou, what's wrong?" she asked.

"I know who's behind the trafficking ring and the collars," Shirou said.

"How? Who is it?"

"I was explaining the mechanics of mana to Oshikawa, when one of those ninja freaks crept up behind me and tried to slap a collar on my neck."

"Shirou..., he has Julia. I can't beat her on my own, we need your help."

"Sorry, kid, but my leg got busted up in the fight, you're going to have to do this on your own. You can do it."

"I understand. Thanks Shirou, I'll do my best.

"You're a good kid, Hayako."

"That means a lot, Shirou."

Hayako hung up the phone.

"It's Oshikawa, we have to get to the Magi Research Center, I'll explain on the way."

"Right," said Suzuku, "Let's go."

The two quickly made their way to the Magi Research Center.

"I'll go in alone," said Hayako, "you go back to the hotel."

"Right," said Suzuku hesitantly, then she went back to the hotel.

Hayako entered the building. She saw a reception desk and walked up to it.

"Excuse me," she asked the receptionist, "I'm looking for Doctor Sayuto Oshikawa, where would I find him?"

"Top floor," said the receptionist.

"Thank you."

Hayako went over to the elevator and pushed the highest floor number. She was able to get to the top floor without incident.

Once there, she easily found an office with Oshikawa's name on the door, but he wasn't there. There was nothing suspicious there. It was just an office with some lab equipment and Super Sentai memorabilia. Hayako racked her brain, trying to figure out where he might be. Then, she remembered something. She remembered looking at the building from the outside.

This building should have one more floor, Hayako thought.

She ripped out the ceiling above her and jumped through the hole she had made. She looked around and found that she was indeed on another floor. She saw Oshikawa sitting at a computer.

"Oh, Suzuhara, thank goodness you're here," Oshikawa said, "A colleague of mine has set up this secret lab and he's using it for the most terrible things. He must have followed me to Shirou's too because--"

"I know it's you, Oshikawa," said Hayako.

"What gave me away?"

"The Sentai stuff in your office."

Hayako sensed a slight disturbance in the mana behind her and jumped, back flipping over Julia and kicking her in the head on her way down, sending the girl flying across the room to Oshikawa's feet. Julia started to get up, but Oshikawa pulled out some kind of remote control and pushed a button. Instantly, Julia's eyes closed and she collapsed, asleep.

"At least hear me out, Suzuhara," said Oshikawa, "There's a reason I'm doing what I'm doing."

"What is it?" asked Hayako.

"To save the human race. You see, I have come to the conclusion that humans and magi can never live in peace together as equals. One must dominate the other, and without my intervention, magi, the vast minority, will dominate humans. With my collar, humans can maintain their independence, and all it will cost is the minds of a relative few."

"You're insane."

"Maybe, but I'm just trying to do the right thing."

He pushed the same button on his remote control and Julia woke up. Instantly, she was upon Hayako, punching her through a wall. Then, she used a mana arm to throw Hayako through the ceiling and onto the roof.

Julia used ambient mana to create another arm and slam Hayako to the ground. She jumped up through the hole in the roof, holding a collar. Four blocks of frozen mana appeared and chains of frozen mana snaked out from them and bound Hayako's limbs. She stood up but she couldn't walk with the chains restraining her.

Oshikawa walked up onto the roof.

"I'm afraid this is the end, Suzuhara," he said, "I have to say, having two beautiful young women of your caliber under my control is going to be...pleasurable."

Hayako struggled against the chains. She tried to make mana constructs but they were instantly dissipated by Julia.

"I have to thank you and Shirou for showing me all these tricks and explaining how mana works to me. Julia's mana output with your and Shirou's control is...unbeatable."

Hayako's mind raced, trying to come up with a solution.

"Don't bother struggling. I know frozen mana is the hardest, heaviest thing in existence. Don't worry, in a few seconds you'll see things my way."

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