"Stronger, faster, better armor and fewer weak spots. They're more expensive, but I've been working on a separate project to pull in funding." Ash opened his mouth to say something, but Claudia cut him off with a 'What do you think?'

"Impressive," Ash said. Claudia smirked.

"I had the lab make a few prototypes. I'd like you to try them out before we begin mass production."

"Of course. Where should I take them for testing?"

"I assume you remember Claire," Claudia said. "It turns out she has a living sister. Victoria Foster. Another Altered, and we know where she lives."

"You want me to get her?" Ash asked.


Ash walked to the door and paused. "Why do you care so much about Ivy?" he asked. "She's just a pyro, and not a very good one at that."

Claudia looked up at Ash with a stern expression. "I have a theory and I need her to test it. Now go." Ash nodded and left the room.

The Barracks where they stored the soldiers were in the basement. Ash stepped out of the elevator and headed down the hallway. The concrete floor and harsh fluorescent lights of the sublevels gave the area a drastically different feel than the clean, well-lit floors above ground.

Ash entered the Barracks. They were emptier than usual, having lost a lot of soldiers lately. He turned and immediately spotted the large metal crate, with the word 'Scorpion' scribbled on the side in black letters.

Ash walked over to the crate, pressed the small button on the side and stepped back. The crate let out a hissing sound as the front slid open. Inside, the darkness was lit up by various lights on the soldier's armor as they powered on. Ash moved aside to let them exit the crate.

They walked out and moved into a perfect line before falling silent, awaiting instructions.

"Follow me," Ash ordered.


Claire and Victoria didn't live far from their high school. Ash couldn't help but notice how close the ocean was as they approached. Surely Newman would be after Victoria too.

Ash was relieved when the house finally came into view. The jetchoppers were fast, but the flight from Scorpion headquarters in Florida to the small home in California was still long. They had to save fuel when traveling over long distances and couldn't move at top speed.

Ash brought along an old soldier to pilot the jetchopper, but the only others with him were new ones. He didn't even bring any Altered.

He didn't need any.

The jetchopper shifted into helicopter mode and descended toward the one-story house Ash had identified as Claire and Victoria's. It was a Saturday, so Victoria wouldn't be at school. With her sister missing, there was no telling what she'd be doing. Hopefully she'd be home.

Claudia mentioned a father, but told Ash not to worry about him. Very few adults survived the Cladis Point. Maybe she didn't think he was their birth father? Ash didn't think they should dismiss him so easily, but that didn't matter. Claudia gave Ash one job, and he was going to get it done.

Once they landed, he wouldn't have much time. People were bound to notice a helicopter in the middle of the street. Ash slid open the chopper door and jumped out as soon as they touched down, the soldiers right behind him.

"Search the house, find Victoria Foster," Ash told them. While the soldiers split up, Ash scanned the area and noticed a black car parked along the curb nearby. A woman in sunglasses sat at the steering wheel, looking at him.

[OLD PREVIEW] The Supers Experiment (#1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora