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wouldn't it be nice to dream?

to experience an alternate reality inside your conscious? to see the blurry vision of whatever your mind could conjure up?

personally, i'm scared of what mine would.

but it still would be amazing to me.
to sleep. to dream. to not stare at my ceiling, waiting for the minutes to pass by.

you'd think that having severe insomnia like me would be fun. to stay up and do whatever you'd like.

but it is not. it is not a fraction of that for me.

as much as an internet browsing piece of trash as i am, it most surprisingly gets boring after a while. everything does after a certain period of time.

i guess its why i bury myself in my own thoughts at nighttime. in the endless void of my mind.

it's miraculous, really.

how the human brain is able to internally talk to itself. how your conscious is almost like its own person, blurting out random, senseless sentences that can end up to places we don't understand.

to places we wish to forget.

but also to others we are glad to remember.

hey guys hope you're enjoying my new trashy writing haha

love you ❤❤

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