A lovely mess

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As Kiumi walked to her nurse quarters she sighed worried about Shiro. 'better stay safe there..' she thought to herself as she sat at her chair and waited for someone to help, though she was hoping no one would be hurt today. She leaned back and sighed as she thought of Shiro and she started to blush as she smiled drawing a heart on a piece of paper. "Ay! If it ain't miss lover girl, I see you are drawing how you feel." Luna walked in smirking as she sat across from Kiumi who started to shake her head blushing darkly turning the paper with the heart on it over. "W-What are you talking about?" Kiumi looked at her friend trying to hide her blush. "oh come on girl, you and I both know you actually like him, so why don't you just tell him? I bet he likes you too." Luna leaned back in her chair looking at Kiumi shaking her head chuckling. "You know if you don't I might just do it for you" Kiumi panicked a little swinging her arms through the air "NO NO NO!" Luna laughed and stood up. "well, then you better find a time to do it soon then, otherwise I will." As Luna left Kiumi sighed and looked at the heart. "fine...I will do it...soon.." As the day continued Kiumi had a lot of patients that she had to take care of and make sure would be able to get back up on their feet. After a couple hours of helping people and keeping the place clean Kiumi sighed and sat back in her chair it had been a long day and it wasn't over. Almost as soon as she got comfy there was people bursting in carrying Shiro and Hurimu, they both where unconscious and a little bloody. Kiumi started freaking out as they laid them on the beds and she got up rushing over as she started to look over both their bodies. "Wha-What happened?!?" she was freaking out and started to wrap up their wounds as her friend started to helped and explained what happened " They where training then decided to fight in the pit, and S-Shiro was able to keep up and basically counter the boss's attacks, but just as the dust settled, S-Shiro was crouched over like a wolf and the boss was on a knee then they both just coughed up blood and fell over. T-that's when we brought them here to you." Luna looked at Kiumi a little freaked. "Kiumi... Shiro, he, he has the myth, the legend is in him and i don't know what to do, if he fails to the myth, legend says he might turn on everyone around him if he does we have no way to stop him.." Kiumi shook her head as she wrapped up Shiro's torso. "I know he won't, trust me he will be on our side.." Kiumi sighed and put her hand on Shiro's chest after she finished and whispered softly to herself. "please..wake up soon feeling better Shiro.." Kiumi sighed and stood up. "Luna..come on, let's go get some food and let them rest..I will know if anything happens, but for now the worst we can do is stay here..." Luna nodded as they walked out and Kiumi closed the door slowly as she looked at Shiro. After a walk and getting food Kiumi and Luna sat at a table and ate a bit before Luna looked at Kiumi and spoke softly. "You seem calm.." and Kiumi looked up at her and sighed. " I know the boss will be fine, i am worried, but I know he will, It's Shiro I'm scared about. Like I am actually terrified." Kiumi pushed her tray a little way infront of her as she looked at Luna who looked down slightly before patting Kiumi's shoulder. "See, I knew you felt for him, but still..on a serious note, it will be okay. He has you to wake up to so it's not like he has nothing to loose" Kiumi slightly smiled and nodded as she stood up. "yeah, you're right. But I think I'm going to go check on them.." Luna nodded as she let Kiumi leave. "alright..if you need anything you know where to find me." Later as Kiumi walked out to the hallway she sighed making her way to the infirmary. As she got there she walked in and closed the door checking on both Hurimu's and Shiro's condition then sighed and pulled up a chair as she sat and leaned her head on Shiro's bed. "when you wake up, that's when I will tell you how I really feel, so wake up please.." Kiumi closed her eyes yawning as she soon fell asleep there. This went on for a while everyday she would do her duty checking on people, redressing Shiro's and Hiruimu's wounds, making sure they wouldn't be in any infections then a while of this routine she was surprised when Hurimu woke up first and acted like he was fine. "Kiumi...my dear, what happened?" Kiumi jumped after letting out a scared squeak then she ran up to the boss and sat infront of him. " W-well, you and Shiro had a huge battle and you both well, passed out with blood before being dragged here, you've been asleep ever since." she sighed and looked at him and he smirked slightly "I see, You guys didn't replace me did y'all? " he was already sitting up as he patted her head. " I will stay here though, wait for him to wake up, if im up it shouldn't be too long before he wakes up right behind me, you should go get some water and food for yourself though.." Kiumi nodded as she walked out closing the door. she walked down the hall as she went and sat a table with some food silently thinking. " I really hope the boss is right, Shiro..." She closed her eyes sighing looking at the ground before she shook her head and ate some more forcing a smile thinking positively. "No...Shiro will wake up soon and it's my job to be there when he does. " She finished eating and walked back to the room seeing Hurimu wasn't in his bed and Shiro slowly rising and she ran into the room, Her heart jumping as she sat infront of him, her eyes tearing up as she hugged him. She was nervous, but she felt so relieved and happy that he was awake and she knew, it was time to tell Shiro how she felt.

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