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Damn Violin back it again with another fanction, I know right! I'm just like Hawkmoth "Damn hawkmoth back at it again with dem akumas!" close enough XD 

Anyways, this fanfiction is a maid sama au fanfiction. chat noir... no ladybug... just Marinette and Adrien because I mixed their personalities together like Ladybug's leadership skills  to Marinette or Chat Noir's sadistic flirty traits to Adrien who we miraculous'es see as a cinammon roll NOW HE'S GONNA BE A SINNAMON ROLL BEWARE YOU GUYS! /Triggred/ 

ps: Chloe Bourgois is nice here and you will see why /cough/ nathaniel /cough/ kill me XDDDD IDK I JUST SHIP THEM HELP ;-; 

pss: Lila Rossi...DOES NOT EXIST! HA! /laughs evily/ I know, I know I'm evil af sorry to all Lila fans ;-; *ends up crying because I kinda like her for her damn fabulous hair* 

oh yea credits for the picture if the creator is here I LOVE YOUR DRAWINGS THEY ARE CUTE AF LEMME HUG YOU ;-; 

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