It was still a long shot, of course, Kate was their mother and the courts seemed to love siding with the mother. The lawyer had told Zac a play in his favour was to make a stink about Kate's irresponsibility in taking Shepherd away from his normal home life. Brielle was a sound, sane person, as far as a court would rule there was no real reason the boy couldn't be around her.

"If this guy is half the lawyer I know he is, she won't move because she won't want to lose her children." Zac's words were bitter and sharp. Brielle studied him, his jaw was tense and his eyes were cold. Naturally, Zac was always a soft, gentle man. It killed Brielle to see this brooding personality that had taken over. "I don't want to use them as pawns, but if we have too..." he cut himself off.

"We'll make this work. We're not using them as pawns; we're simply trying to get what is in their best interest. Ideally, I'd love for them to spend equal time with you both. Ideally, I'd love for them to be happy with both of you in their lives even if you aren't together." Brielle replied.

"Ideally, the three of us would be raising them with no questions or bullshit." Zac added, kissing her forehead.

"Do you think she's doing this, because she feels she made a mistake asking for the divorce?" Brielle asked. She was terrified to hear his answer. She could never handle it if Zac told her he wanted to leave her, because of this. They fought constantly, they rarely spoke, and yet she loved him. This would pass, Brielle knew it, but the question nagged at her.

Zac shook his head, pulling away from his wife slightly; he stared at her like she had just grown a couple of new heads. Blinking, hard, he chuckled. "She doesn't want me back." He stated. "Kate has made it very clear; she does not want me back. I'm fine with it, because I don't want to go back. I have no love left for her."

When the divorce had first happened, Zac had thought maybe it was a phase, in a few months Kate would come back and tell him it was all a mistake. She'd tell him how much she missed and needed him. It was stupid of him; he knew it had been over long before she said it. When she had actually sent him divorce papers, demanding he sign them, the message came across clear. Kate really didn't love him anymore. Part of Zac had held on to a small part of his love for Kate, she had been his wife, the mother of his children, even his best friend at some point. How could be not love her?

"I can't help but feel; maybe that is why she's doing it." Brielle continued. "I mean you are pretty hard to get off of a girl's mind."

"I don't want her back. Even if that were her intentions, which I'm sure they're not, I would never go back to her. " Zac shook his head. "I've moved on, we have our life and I don't need to worry about her or any other woman."

"Do you think this is her way of trying to break us apart?"

"No." Zac answered without thought. "You can't break something unbreakable."

Brielle stayed silent, it seemed almost comical to hear her husband say that. In light of the things that had happened, the things he had said as of late. She loved Zac, Brielle would never hide that, sometimes she felt that love wasn't a two way street in this and it killed her. Hearing him make such a claim made her feel foolish.

"Zac, I'm not..."

"Do you know how I knew you were a good person?" Zac asked his eyes locking on his wife's as he cut her off. Brielle shook her head. "Your eyes."

"My eyes?" Brielle questioned with a smirk. "What do you mean?"

"You have the kindest eyes. You have very honest eyes. You can always tell what you're feeling, because your eyes always say it all." Zac smiled, kissing the tip of her nose. "I knew you were a strong person, somebody I could trust, and somebody I loved."

Scream and be Free (Zac Hanson)Where stories live. Discover now