Chapter 23

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We are back to Tokyo and we are in the studio practising some new songs for our new album. We were announced that BABYMETAL is going to release an album by the end of the month and next month in June we are going on tour again. Also in the weekend is going to be Ai's birthday and I'm really excited about it because I got some plans for the two of us.

"So here are the songs for your new album. We'll repeat them for a couple of days and by the end of the week you will record the album. The instrumental for the songs are ready, only the vocals are missing so we should get to work now." Said the vocal coach as she handed us a pile of papers.

"Why are we in such a hurry ?" I hear Yui ask the coach in a serious tone.

"I didn't make the schedule, your boss did so you should ask him, sweety." Smiled the woman as she sat down on a chair. "So let's start with Moa's solo."


The whole practice Yui and Moa wouldn't make eye contact, I wonder why. Yui loves Moa's voice so it's very weird to see her distant and not paying attention to her partner. Moa is doing the same, ignoring Yui like she's not even here. They both have a solo separately and they don't seem to be so happy about it. Why though ? Both of their voices improved a lot in the past year and Moa's voice almost sounds better than mine. What's going on with them ? Why are they acting like this.

"What's up with the two of you ?" I asked them after the coach left the room, giving us a break.

"I started tutoring one of our classmates and since then Yui won't talk to me. Like I did something wrong." Said Moa looking all angry.

"Yes you did. You could simply refuse but nooo you really must tutor that guy. Did you see how he looks at you ?"

"Oh now you're talking with me ? How could I refuse if the teacher asked me to tutor him ? And how does he look at me ?"

"He's undressing you with his eyes every time he lays his eyes upon you. It's really disgusting."

"Oh really ? I think you need glasses because he's one of the most timid person I ever know. I don't know what did you saw wrong in me helping one of our fellow classmates."

"You idiot ! Why do you have to be so nice and always help everyone ? Can't you just act like you don't care ?"

"Because I'm not like you, Yui. I care about others too. Plus I really want to help him because he's failing almost all of the classes."

"So you say I don't care about others ?"

"Yeah, you're always so selfish and full of yourself."

"You stupid little ----"

"STOOOP !!! I yelled interrupting them, not being able to manage the immature fight they're having. I absolutely hate every word I just heard.

"Apologise to each other now ! From where did you learn to talk like that ?!  Stop insulting each other and apologise. I said now !" I'm losing my patience with these two.

"I'm not apologising because I did nothing wrong." Said Moa looking away from me and crossing her arms to her chest.

"I'm not apologising either." Said Yui looking at me with not even a little bit of shame on her face.

"Suzuka, the boss wants to talk with the two of us." Ai barged into the room, taking all of us by surprise.

"You're lucky because I need to leave now, but you will see what you'll get after I come back." I said to the two of them before exiting the room.

"What happened to them ?" Asked Ai as we were heading to our boss's office.

"Yui is having a fit of jealousy because Moa is tutoring one of their classmates."

"Oh, that's cute though. It shows that she cares about Moa."

"Hmm I don't know about that. The language they used on each other was just not right. I'll figure out what I'm going to do with them later. Why is the boss looking for us ?" I said just as we arrived in front of the office.

"I don't know.. He seemed to be kind of angry."


"Explain yourself, Suzuka." He said as he handed me and Ai a ton of pictures of the us kissing. It's obvious it was taken in that mall in Hiroshima.

"I have nothing to say." I looked at him with a straight face.

"These pictures are all over the Internet. I told you to be careful.. Now what are we going to do about this ?" He asked leaning on the desk eyeing the two of us.

"Can't you just find the person who took photos and throw him or her in jail ?" I received a slap on my arm from Ai for my answer.

"That's not how things work, Su. How did the people react ?" She asked our boss and I swear this girl can look so serious yet so adorable at the same time.

"Stop smiling, Nakamoto. This is serious. People's feelings are mixt about this. Some are confused, some are angry, some are happy for you."

"Fine, fine. I'll make everything clear to the fans on our next interview. Is that good enough ?" And with that I left the office.

After a few minutes Ai also came out, I was waiting for her by the door while she was still inside. She hugged me giggling before saying, "He said 'What am I going to do with this stubborn girl, Ai ?' " she imitated his voice, making me giggle too.

"You're so cute sometimes, you know ?" I asked her after giving her a peck on the forehead.

"Yes, you keep telling me that." She looked at me grinning cutely before tiptoeing to reach for my lips with hers.

*cough cough* "Ah, this cold I'm having... Nakamoto, go back to your practice and Miyahara come back inside the office because I need to give you some details about the schedule and the tour." Our boss came out of nowhere, making us broke the kiss.

"Really ? Right now ? Can't you see we are kinda busy here ?" I complained about his studden interruption making both of them laugh. He didn't say anything and went back to his office still laughing.

"I'll see you later." She gave me a peck on the lips before disappear behind the door.

'Aaaahhh I'm not in the mood to hear Yui and Moa fight again.' I said to myself before walking lazily back to the practice room.

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