Chapter #2

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The sun shone through the window, onto the sleeping boy lying underneath the thin wool blanket. He groaned softly and rolled back over, trying to stay asleep for just a moment longer, but it was useless. His eyelashes fluttered as he opened his eyes, rolling onto his back and placing one hand above his head, staring at the ceiling. He really hadn't wanted to wake up this morning. He was having such a wonderful dream. A dream of being swept away in the arms of a faceless stranger... Yuya sighed and sat up, sleepily rubbing at his eyes.

"Stupid daylight. Why can't it stay dark just a little longer?" Yuya murmured before getting out of bed. "It was such a good dream." Yuya added as he stretched, reaching his hands up towards the ceiling. He walked over to his old wooden dresser and opened it, reaching around inside for his clothes. He pulled out a pair of brown pants, a white long sleeved shirt, and a pair of socks. Yuya quickly got dressed and slipped on his old pair of shoes. He reached for an apron lying on top of an old chair and tied it around his waist.

"Time to start another day." Yuya said, hurrying out of his room. Yuya sighed as he jogged down the stairs, thinking about the last six years of his life. Yuzu had become so mean, treating him like a servant in his own home. Yuzu wasn't much better, going along with her mother's wicked ways. Selena was still nice to him, but she was only so when her mother wasn't watching, and Yuya didn't mind. He knew that if Selena got caught being nice to him, she would be punished. It had happened one time, and Rin had been the one to tattle to his stepmother. Selena had recieved a painful lashing and Yuya had insisted she not talk to him unless Yuzu or Rin weren't watching. Thus Yuya lived his life as a servant. All in all, they had a total of three servants left, and that included Yuya. All the others had been either fired, or they all quit, not being able to take the cruelty Yuzu displayed.

Yuya went into the back area of the house, where they kept the animal feed. He had to make sure the chickens and the horses had their food. He picked up a bad and walked outside, heading for the chicken coop. He quickly spread the feed in the little fenced in area and set the bag down, heading to the barn to get the hay for the horses. Yuya walked into the barn and grabbed a bale of hay. He walked over to the area they kept their horses and opened the first stall, tossing the bale inside. He gently patted the horse on the head as it nuzzled his shoulder.

"Hey there Odd eyes." Yuya murmured softly. This horse had been his father's horse before he died. It was one of the only horses Yuya could actually convince his stepmother not to part with. They had one other horse, a young mare named Rainelle. She was used for the girl's riding lessons. His stepmother never took Odd eyes out for any rides, prefering not to come into contact with the beast. Yuya sighed and rubbed Odd eyes's nose. It didn't bother him any. Late at night when everyone else was asleep, he would take Odd eyes out himself. He loved the horse to death. It was all he had left of his father.

"I have to go now Odd eyes. Be a good boy and eat your food." Yuya said. He made sure both horses were fed and watered before leaving the barn. The sun was a little higher in the sky now. Gong and Tate ( i,m using the English name because it easier to remember) would be waking up soon to help him take care of the house. And his stepmother and stepsisters would be waking also and they would be wanting their breakfast. Yuya hurried into the house. He quickly started a pot of tea and began preparing the oatmeal he knew the girls liked to have. After he got everything ready, he set the table. He then set a bowl of oatmeal at each seat and set the pot of tea on the table in easy reach, a sugar bowl beside it. Yuya put a dab of honey in each bowl of oatmeal. The girls loved it a little sweeter. He had everything ready in the nick of time. His stepmother and his stepsisters entered the room then. Yuzu eyed the table with an expressionless look.

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