NL Breakup

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Dee and Faith sat in the parlor that day alone, Shan called telling all about a study group she was taking part of and would be late getting home.
They sat going over their terminology for English when a porcelain horse begins trotting through the air behind them. Turning around Dee says, "Mike..were a little busy.."
Faith frowns as the toy horse sadly takes a gentle landing onto one of their textbooks. The ghostly chill leaves the room until the front door swings open then slams shut. Faith and Dee look up from their studying and go to the steps to look down to the entrance foyer. Shan stood with tears in her eyes and Dee asks, " okay?"
Shan bolts to the kitchen to exit through the sliding doors and she tosses her books to the side angrily. Faith and Dee race downstairs to see her heading to the carousel. She holds onto one of the painted horses and turns her face away. Dee and Faith follow suite and hear her begin to cry. Dee comes close and holds her shoulders. She folds and hugs Dee's neck beginning to break down.
"Tell us what's going on Shan.."
Shan sniffles and says,
"Well there's this guy.."
Dee and Faith begin wincing and saying, " were having a roast on a mean boyfriend?"
Dee spits
"I'm ready!.." Faith cheers in a snarky way.
"Lets go inside. Theres ice cream..we got apple pie from the other night. We still have plenty of doughnuts from this morning, were having a gossip table!"
They all enter the house arm in arm and Michael can be seen coming into view from the library door way.
"Who had the break up?" Asks from our cheering up and Shans sniffling.
"Me.." she sighs and Michael races downstairs in his dark purple suit. He comes down to the dining table and hugs her neck from behind.
"I still love you Shan..." he sings and she chuckles wiping away a tear.
"Thanks mike..."
He smiles and says, "You're welcome."
Faith opens a tub of ice cream as Dee digs around in the fridge for cheescake.
"'re a guy..." Faith begins,
"Well used to be anyhow. Why are guys so emotionless?"
Michael shakes his head, "Cause some of the swine like shan's ex here, get some kind of enjoyment of wallowing in their filth. It gives us good guys a bad name, its pitiful really."
Michael takes a seat next to shane and asks,
"So who is this guy? How long have you known him?"
Shan sniffs and says,
"His name is Derek. And eh...maybe six months.."
Michael shakes his head.
"And he broke up with you because?"
Shan looks around sneering and says, "Because he feels trapped and he needs space.."
She holds up air quotes and Michael interjects,
" found someone else. That's the biggest lie you'll hear from any guy, doll face."
Shan breaks out into more tears making Dee and Faith cringe.
"Gee Mike. Thanks. We were trying to get her past that point.." Dee and Faith say as they console her.
"I'm sorry but that's the truth. But listen Shan..look at me."
Shan looks to Michael in his eyes that still held his ghostly silver glow and he says, "The best thing you can do, is show up infront of him the next time you see him and look like a million dollars. It'll make him so jealous to see you okay and not torn to pieces. Know why?"
Shan pays attention and he says, "Cause he thinks you need him doll..and you don't.."

"Drink to that!"
Dee and faith shout and Shan smiles beginning to cheer up.
"If he's gonna leave you over some girl and not even have the guts to tell you to your face. He doesn't derserve you baby. And you deserve better than him..."
Michael preaches.
Shan nods,
"I guess you're right."
Dee giggles, "Mike. You should have been a therapist."
Mike chuckles and stands back up,
"I've just known how to make people feel better is all."
They smile and Michael takes his leave, before he goes he gives Shan one last hug and cheek kiss. He whispers something to her and disappears into his mist around the corner.
"What'd he say?"
One of them asks her and she smiles looking to her bowl of ice cream. Shan begins, "That I'm beautiful and I should never let some big headed putz get me down."
They coo and Faith says,
"Well he's entirely right..."
Shan nods and says,
"Ya know guys.." she sighs again, "I bet no one in the world was around to console Michael when he was down."
Dee and Faith look to each other sadly and nod. Faith goes to her text book with the porcelain mini horse on top and she holds it in her hand. She smiles and brings it to the air, making it gallop around and a swish of cold air fills the room making she chandelier shutter. The toy horse now takes flight around galloping cutely under Michaels control and the girls giggle watching it prance. The horse makes a soft landing in the middle of the table and a soft ghostly echo sounds,

"I love you girls..."

"We love you.."

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