Chapter 2

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Sooo school starts at 8:00 right. Well wrong. I woke up at 7:45 and throw on whatever is on the floor. Gross. Skip breakfast and head for the bus stop I was late. So while walking to school I fell in a puddle and now my hair smells funky. When I get to school it is just weird. The hallways are dead their is nobody around. Then out of the blue I get attacked by Mason who draws his weapon which scares me half to death. He questions how I get in the building. He explained that now every door is looked and their is secret hidden weapons around school which people need to find. Everyone is supposed to kill everyone untill their are 10 students left. And guess who teams up well umm Twyla, Abby, Alice, Rcl, Ari, Cara, Mason, 2 freshmen, and I. But somehow because we all seem to think that we are the ten that will survive we are hiding in the ceiling between the first and second floor. They start passing down a bow and arrows down to me like I am some archery master. This really made me mad. And it wasn't even school anymore. It was a dead body graveyard. All the teachers were in on this too. And when we finally get out from crawling in between two floors we see our science teacher Mr. Thompson. Blood around him death by strangulation with a shoe lace then cut up with a pencil sharpener. And what does everyone do VOMIT. Not me. Apparently I have a strong stomach. And now I am voted group killer. That title is horrible. Any how we ran into a group of kids who sit in the back. Yea they don't pay attention to anything in science. Aerodynamics were not their strong suite.

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