Chapter 23: Closure

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Finn walked into the coffee shop, and looked around trying to spot Quinn. He knew that he should have not come but Finn was a man of his word and he told Quinn that he would meet her there.

He could feel a twist in his stomach, as he looked around the busy coffee shop. It was filled with people, some standing in line and others sitting at tables wrapped up in conversations. Finn hated this atmosphere when he first moved here since he was a country boy and all the commotion made him uneasy, but now he loved coming here. This was his favourite coffee shop in all of New York, since they sold the best coffee and chocolate muffins. He would pop in here a few times a week for his dose of their specialities. He now loved the feeling of being surrounded by people at all times since he never really felt alone anymore.

Finn glanced over at all the tables and he quickly found her. He was taken a back at her new haircut and more form-fitting style choices. Her long beautiful blonde hair was cut short and she was wearing a tight pair of skinny jeans and an extremely form-fitting tank top. A part of him thought she looked great but another didn't like this change. When they were together, and even before that, she was known for her long blonde hair and her very innocent clothing. That's what had first attracted him to her; the sweet vibe that radiated from her. Now, she looked like a completely different person, more like a rough and edgy person.

Finn walked over to the table she was sitting at and asked, "Quinn?".

"Finn!" she squeaked, as she got up and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into an embrace. He didn't know how to react so he just stood there with her arms around him, waiting for it to end.

She didn't hold on for too long and took her seat, while motioning for him to do the same. Finn sat down, still uneasy about having coffee with her. He looked on the table and saw two coffees and two chocolate muffins.

"I already ordered for us. Your regular order, right?" said Quinn, noticing the confused look on his face.

"Oh...thanks, but you didn't have to. I'll pay you back," said Finn, pulling out his wallet. She reached out and placed her hand on his, stopping him. He flinched at the touch, not expecting it.

"That's not necessary. My treat. Anything for... a good friend," said Quinn, with a bit of a choke at her last words.


"So about the car? What do you need Matt's help with?" asked Quinn, ignoring his last statement.

"Well, I want to surprise Rachel with a car and I need his help to find the perfect one for a good price," explained Finn, hesitantly.

"You're buying her a car?" exclaimed Quinn, almost spilling her coffee on herself.

"No...well maybe? I'm going to help her get a car, maybe buy it... but I already want it pre-picked with a good deal on it," replied Finn, still unsure of his answer. What was he going to do with the car? Would he buy it for her and give it to her once they moved in together, if they moved in together? Would he bring her to dealership and help her pick one out? He was still undecided.

"Oh okay...why do you need to do that?" asked Quinn.

"Well she needs a car and I want to see her more often."

"So that you can get more head," blurted out Quinn, quickly slapping her hand over her mouth at the realization of her statement.

"No, Quinn. Our relationship isn't like that. I love her," said Finn, almost in a defensive growl.

"I'm sorry...did you just say that you love her? " inquired Quinn, completely in shock at his words.

"Yes, I love her, and she loves me. We are really happy together," said Finn, a huge grin growing on his face, as he thought about his words.

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