Chapter 6 || Not so celebratory get together

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||Y/N's Point Of View||

"What do you mean disqualified!?" Gou fumes.

Makoto gives a weary chuckle, "Yeah apparently we weren't allowed to have another person from another school swim with us."

"Baka!" Gou yells.

"We'll make it next year!" Makoto widely grins.

Gou grumbles, "We worked so hard! And you just threw it all away just to swim with your ex buddy!"

"What matters most is that we swam together again!" Nagisa cheers.

"You all taught me what teamwork is, how important it is. I'll never forget it." Rin says, a smile tugging at his lips.

"He's smiling!" Nagisa laughs.

"No I'm not!" Rin snaps, his face growing red.

At this, even Haru cracks a smile.

"Thank you, Rei," Rin says shocking me.

I didn't think Rin was the kind to thank someone. Hell, I barely thought he was capable of smiling.

"It was nothing," Rei shrugs his shoulders, "I'm just satisfied of how beautifully you all swam together. Now that was true beauty."

The seven of us laugh together.

"So food anyone?" Gou asks.

"I'm up for it!" I cheer.

The guys all agree, even Rin who I guessed was going to hang out with us.

By now it was around seven and definitely dinner time.

We decided to go to this quaint sushi place.

I took my seat in between Gou and Haru, Rin sitting right across from me. I hoped I wouldn't be as nervous as I was when I was at dinner with them and their parents. Maybe I just needed to keep my composure. I mean, I kept it together around him today.

That was just because I was nervous about the race though. I didn't have time to think about my feelings for him. But now as he sits in front of me, I am reminded of all my feelings towards him.

Why did I have to over think things?

I was too busy thinking about this to notice the waitress was here.

"(Y/N), hello?" Makoto waves his hand in front of me.

"Y-yeah?" I stutter.

"What're you gonna order?" Nagisa asks.

"I'll have some (Favorite/Food)."

The waitress smiles at me, then turns her attention towards Haru, "And you sir?"

His face is blank, "Mackerel." He answers.

"Okay, I'll be right back with your orders."

"What were you thinking about?" Gou asks me with a sly grin.

"N-nothing..." I couldn't help the blush appearing on my face.

"Or is it a who?" Nagisa pressures.

"N-no!" I deliberately keep my eyes away from Rin's.

"Leave the poor girl alone?" Rei pleads.

"I just wanna know," Gou pouts.

"I was only thinking about the race," I cross my arms.

Rin takes a sip of his water, "Uh-huh." His tone is sarcastic.

"What are you implying?" I ask the red haired boy.

"Nothing." He smirks.

"R-right." I roll my eyes.

Minutes later the food arrives.

"So after all this time you're still eating mackerel?" Rin asks Haru.

"Mhm." Haru makes no attempt to say anything else.

"So tell us about Australia!" Nagisa pleads to Rin.

"What can I say? I guess it's hot there. Lots of water. Great people. Tons of girls too." He looks at me saying this. And then he winks towards my direction.

Was he winking at me?

The thought made my stomach bubble warmly.

"I bet." Gou rolls her eyes.

I continued eating from my plate as I wondered if he hooked up with any girls in Australia.


"That was gooood," Nagisa burps.

"Agreed," Rei responds.

"It's getting late, so we should start heading back to our hotels since we're leaving pretty early tomorrow." Gou says.

I grumble. I didn't really want to go back home just yet. I was having such a great time here.

Gou and I said our goodnights to the guys when we arrived at our hotel.

"Night (Y/N)," Rin smiles.

"Goodnight," I smile sadly since I didn't know when I was going to see him again.

He was staying in a different hotel room with his own team. He was probably going to get in big trouble over what he did today.

I got changed and climbed into my bed, Gou doing the same. I turned the lights out and quickly realized I had trouble falling asleep.

"Gou?" I whisper.


I turn to my side so I can see her from across the room.

"Today was great."

"Yeah it was."

I smile thinking to myself how great it was seeing the four of them swimming together after so long.

"Even though we were disqualified, I think it was worth it."

"Yeah," She says, "Besides we'll always try next year."

"I'm glad the feud between Haru and Rin is over. He's not a bad guy once you get to know him I feel. Maybe he just has a tough exterior, you know?"

"Of course I know," Gou giggles, "He's my brother."

I laugh, "Right. Well goodnight."

Rin really was a good guy. I'm glad I got to see that today.

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