Chapter 22: Shower Then a Call

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"You are so beautiful," blurted out Finn.

She didn't answer him, but instead walked towards him and placed her hands on the hem of his boxers.

"Would you like to join me?" asked Rachel.

Finn nodded, almost eagerly, and held his breath as she pulled the article of clothing off his body. His member was obviously hardening, and now he was completely exposed.

He was taken by surprise when she simply smiled and opened the door to the shower. She turned it on and let it heat up, just shaking her butt at her as if there was a song playing in her mind.

Rachel then climbed into the shower, and Finn followed after her. He was extremely relieved that he got a large shower when he bought his place, because it was really coming in handy at the moment.

Rachel reached around him and grabbed the loafa. She covered it in his body wash and began to wash her body. Finn stood there and watched as she cleaned herself, completely hypnotized by her body.

She suddenly stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Finn.

"I thought you were going to help me?" teased Rachel

"Well how bout you hand that over to me and I will."

Rachel handed the soap-covered cloth to him and he began gliding it over her body. He gently covered her in soap, making every touch sensual. Once she was completely soaped up, Rachel grabbed the loofa out of his hand, and grinned.

"Your turn," she purred.

Rachel began to repeat Finn's actions on his body. She washed every part of him with care and when she reached down to clean his dick, Finn moaned. Rachel held onto it for a little too long and he was going insane.

"Babe, you can't do that," blurted out Finn.

"Why not?" asked Rachel with an innocent tone. She then repeated the action, making Finn groan.

"Rachel, if you keep doing that, I won't let you go to work," growled Finn.

Rachel just giggled and then stood up on her toes to place a sweet kiss on his lips. Finn quickly deepened the kiss, supporting himself using the shower wall. She pulled away from him, trying to take in some air.

"I have to be at work soon, I can't" she whispered with a frown.

Finn returned the frown and pulled out the shower head to rinse her from head to toe. Once she was completely soap-free, Finn began to rinse himself clean, while the tiny figure next to him began to wash her hair. He was having such a hard time concentrating on washing himself when the beautiful girl before him was moving her body that way. It was like she was dancing around the shower while rubbing the shampoo into her hair. Finn pushed her wet hair to the side and lowered his lips to her neck and began to place sweet kisses along it. She turned to face him, wrapped her hands around his neck, lowered him and began to kiss his waiting lips, while spreading shampoo into his hair.

The shampoo began to drip into his eyes and he pulled away from his kiss, wincing at the sting. Rachel washed her hands with the warm water and began to help him clean out his eyes. Once they got the soap out, she went on her tip toes, and places a kiss on each eye.

"All better?" asked Rachel

"Thanks to you, replied Finn, pulling her naked body into his for an embrace. They continued their embrace for a bit until Rachel pulled away with a huge grin on her face.

"I love you so much, Finn"

"I love you too," replied Finn, a smile spreading across his face.

They finished their shower, and Rachel hopped out of the shower, grabbing a towel for Finn and herself. She handed them to him, and he wrapped his girlfriend in hers and then proceeded to wrap himself up. They walked out of the bathroom, fresh and clean, and headed for the bedroom.

As soon as they stepped in, Finn headed for the bed but Rachel began running around the room picking up her clothing that was scattered around.

"Why the rush?" asked Finn

"I'm going to be late! We were there for half an' hour," exclaimed Rachel, pointing to the clock on his bedside table.

Finn watched her as she threw off her towel and pulled on her clothes from last night. Once she was dressed, she ran to the bed, placed a quick kiss on his laps and ran out of the room.

"I'm sorry, I have to go! I'll make breakfast next time. Bye, babe. I love you," she yelled out to him, as she ran out of the apartment.

He got up and pulled on a fresh pair of boxers, grinning at the amazing night and morning he had just shared with his beautiful girlfriend. Finn wished that he could spend more time with her, since they only saw each other on the few nights she wasn't performing. His job didn't keep him too busy, but her musical kept her on the feet.

Finn was proud of himself, if he was honest. When he was younger, he was the kid to over react, and hold grudges when girls did what Rachel had done, but for some reason, he had this feeling in his stomach that he couldn't let this one go as easily as he let go of those high school girls. He wanted needed her. He began brainstorming ideas on how to spend more time with her. His mind immediately made the connection between their time and her transportation.

Rachel always uses taxis and cabs to get around New York. When he asked her about it, she said she didn't have the patience to find the right one and that could manage on public transit. The only problem is that it always added so much time to her travels since they were much faster than a proper car. The idea quickly hit him, and he pulled out his phone.

He dialed the number and it rang a few times.

"Hello?" answered a feminine voice.

"Ummm...hi...Matt?" asked Finn, completely confused.

He was pretty sure that it was Matt's number.

"Matt isn't able to come to the phone right now...He's taking a shower. Can I take a message?" said the voice. It slowly became familiar, the more he heard it.

"May I ask who I'm speaking to?" inquired Finn.

"I'm Quinn Fabray,," replied Quinn.

"Quinn?" exclaimed Finn, louder than he intended.

"Do I know you?" she questioned.

"It's Finn," muttered Finn, hoping he'd get no reaction. He hadn't spoken to her since she tried to sleep with him.

"Finn? Is it...really you?" whispered Quinn.

"Yes, it is Quinn," said Finn, with a harsh tone to his voice.

"Wow, I haven't heard from you in forever! What are you doing calling me?" squeaked Quinn, with the obvious excitement in her voice.

"Well, I'm actually calling Matt and you're answering his phone for some unknown reason. What are you doing over there?"

" Ummm...nothing. What you need Matt for? Maybe I could help!"

"Well I remembered that he works at a car dealership and I need some help with a car purchase," explained Finn.

"I could talk to him for you. He's just in the washroom."

"It's fine. I'd rather talk to him," replied Finn, sternly.

"Don't be silly! We need to catch up anyway, so how about we meet for coffee in an hour to discuss this car purchase and we can talk?" she asked eagerly.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Quinn..." began Finn.

"Come on! We dated for two years. We have history. Let's have coffee, just for old time's sake," demanded Quinn.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt...but no funny business..." retread Finn, shuddering at the memory of their last moment together.

"I promise! See you in an hour, Finn. Meet me at the coffeehouse on Second and Third Street," she instructed.

He heard a phone click, and he immediately regretted his decision. Finn was about to go have coffee with his insane ex-girlfriend, who hates his girlfriend.

Now he remembers why people used to call him an idiot in high school.

What will happen at this meeting? Will Quinn keep her promise?

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