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"I don't have anything to offer you. Please leave me," he cried, not meeting her eyes. His heart ached as he struggled to get these words out of his mouth but there was nothing that he had that could change anything now.

"No," she begged in desperation, holding his hand in hers, "I know you love me." She just couldn't let go off him without giving in everything she had. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, blurring her vision, as she struggled to keep onto the last string of hope she had.

"I am a broken man, Lina. I have only hurt you till now and I will continue to if you stay. You don't deserve this," he gazed at her with a sad smile. He knew he couldn't do this to her. His bleeding heart battled with his mind and although every sense in him compelled him to choose the heart, he knew that he couldn't.

"Let me mend your heart!" Liyana said, with determination in her eyes. She forced herself to keep her conviction but somewhere deep down, she knew even her endless endeavouring wouldn't be able to solve anything.

Some people say that sometimes people just aren't meant to be. Whilst others says that sometimes people are fated to be together no matter how much life conspires against them.

Yet, no one talks about those who fight their fate in order to defeat any conspiracies to be with each other. Can Ziyad and Liyana fight the entire universe to become each other's everything? Or will everything go down in flames?


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