Hannah's face softened a bit, "Why didn't you guys keep in contact?" she asked sadly. "We talked for a few months but I guess it was too much for Alex so he just cut me off and I cut all of the guys out of my life because just talking to them reminded me of Alex. I was depressed for a bit and then I got over it, Chase and I got together and I was happy, at least I thought I was. I'm not so sure anymore really." I said, looking down at my fingers. "Oh Leah!" Hannah said throwing her arms around me and hugging me close. "I had no idea, I'm so sorry for being a bitch." she said as she squeezed me into her chest. I hugged her back before pulling away.

"I'm glad that you understand Hannah. I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier. I try not to think about it." I said before I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "It's alright." she said and she gave me a giant smile. "So what happened after I left that night?" she asked me, jumping up on the counter. I looked around the store and made sure no one was here. "Uh, I don't really remember. I woke up naked in Alex's bunk on the bus the next morning and then I went to the beach with him and all the guys next day. We kissed but then Chase showed up." I said. Hannah opened her mouth, "What happened? What happened?" she squealed. I laughed, "Chase didn't see but he got into a fist fight with Jack and then Zack and Zack kind of messed him up so we had to leave." I said, leaning up against the counter.

Hannah's mouth dropped and then she chattered loudly about random stuff and I just nodded and agreed with her, not really paying attention. I wondered if Alex was going to text me today. Hannah pulled her phone out of her pocket and started texting and I looked at her like she was crazy. "What are you doing? You know we're not supposed to text during work!" I said shocked that she would break the rules. "Psht, Leah, I always text during work and so does Jake and like everyone else. We don't really care. Especially since no one is currently here." she said rolling her eyes at me. Hm, I thought, if she texted and so did Jake, why couldn't I?

"Hannah, watch the register, I'll be back." I told her, going in the back to go get my cell phone. When I pulled it out of my locker I pressed a random button and saw I had four texts messages. All of them were from Alex, the first saying hey, the second asking if I was awake, the third asking if I was working and then the fourth said I was probably busy and to text him later. I laughed before texting him back and walking to the front. Hannah was in the same spot I left her in and the store was still empty.

*Alex's POV*

I woke up surprisingly early the next morning and stretched. I pulled my cell phone out from under my pillow and decided to lay in bed for a while, too lazy to get up right away. I texted Leah and then laid back, waiting for her to text to me back. When she didn't text me back after 10 minutes I texted her again. I thought we were cool after last night but maybe not? Two more unanswered text messages later I was starting to panic. What if she changed her mind and decided I deserved her hate and she didn't want to talk to me anymore? Calm I told myself, just be calm, maybe she was working or still asleep. I told myself so I wouldn't freak out.

What if her boyfriend got her phone and was freaking out at her? I thought and instantly I started panicking again. What if I caused them to break up! A part of me screamed yes! And was instantly happy but a little bit told me that wouldn't make her like me more. I was playing with my hair when my phone vibrated and I looked down at it excitedly. *Alex, calm down, I was working, I am working.* I read and I frowned. She probably couldn't talk to me, what if she got in trouble while sneaking to text me and I got her fired? I would feel horrible and she would hate me. *Oh, I'm sorry, I'll text you when you get out I guess.* I texted, hoping that she wouldn't be busy all day cause I really wanted to talk to her. I couldn't believe I forgot how much I loved talking to her.

*I can text, I'm in charge today so no one will care.* I read when my phone vibrated again. A giant smile came across my face and I texted her back, we texted for a whole half hour before Jack pulled open the curtain to my bunk. "Who you texting? You're girlfriend?" Jack teased before snatching my phone from my hand and running into the front. I jumped out of the bunk and followed him, not really caring if he read my texts, there was nothing dirty for once. When I walked out Jack was standing on the couch, Rian was on one side of him, Zack on the other, Evan was sitting on the counter and Matt was leaning up against it next to him. I suspected Vinny was still sleeping.

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